Lycidus the Werewolf

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Type of Roleplay: Apocalypse, action, adventure, possibly romance.
Name: Lycidus
Age: 17
Birthday: July 2nd
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: He's a very outgoing and cheerful person. He always seems to have a childish smile on his face. He can be clueless and a little bit of a goofball. Lycidus gets scared in tense situations, but he pushed that aside to protect others, because he doesn't want them to be as scared as him. He's really comfortable with physical affection, but he does get a little flustered when it comes to the typical flirt or compliment.
Species: Werewolf
Powers: To transform into a wolf.
Height: 5"5
Weight: 144 lbs
Special Marks/Birthmarks: Just typical tiny scars and scratches on his arms and legs.
Human Form-

 Looks:Human Form-

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Wolf Form-

Likes: Anything sweet, running around, climbing, making others smile, and cuddles

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Likes: Anything sweet, running around, climbing, making others smile, and cuddles.
Dislikes: When people cry, being yelled at, being lectured, sitting still, and solitude.
Hobbies: Doodling and reading
Backstory: Before the war, he was just a human who lived with his aunt and uncle. They treated him well and loved him deeply. Although, they were killed in the war. Lycidus survived but the gasses changed what he had looked like. He now roams around, alone.
Other: None

Scenario 1: You're in an apocalypse like scene in this. It was after the world wide nuclear war. It had decreased the population to only a few 'lucky' survivors. Some of them were still completely human, but others were mutated. The gasses had done this, leaving them stuck like this. You were in an old beat up shop that had survived the explosions. You were searching for any food that hadn't been contaminated. That's when you heard a deep growl from behind you. You turned around and a black panther was revealed, baring it's fangs. It's eyes were a dark brown, almost human looking. This was an example of one of the mutations... but this person couldn't control themselves.
Scenario 2: You had been traveling with Lycidus since this whole damn thing started. You two kept each other safe, scavenged for food, and found shelter together. One day, you and Lycidus headed inside an old grocery store and split up to find food or resources. You were looking down the soup aisle when you suddenly heard a gunshot, followed by a familiar scream. "Y/N!" You heard Lycidus yell. You could hear that he was crying just from that.
Scenario 3: Make it up!

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