Itsuki the Sweet

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Type of Roleplay: romance, modern, fun.
Name: Itsuki Tanaguchi
Age: 16
Birthday: August 12th
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Species: Human
Power(s): None
Personality: Itsuki is a sweet and friendly person. He tends to be on the silly and clumsy side. He's also very curious to where he could be considered nosy. He likes to put a smile on people's faces, even if he does it unintentionally. Itsuki is the kind of person who lights up a room when they walk in, just from how happy and cheerful he tends to be. The blonde boy can't take compliments for the life of him though. His face immediately turns as red as a tomato and he forgets how to speak. The same result happens if he finds someone attractive.
Height: 5"5
Weight: 114 lbs
Special Marks/Birthmarks: He has a dust of freckles that spread across his cheeks and nose.

Likes: Hugs, sleeping, wintertime, and coffee

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Likes: Hugs, sleeping, wintertime, and coffee.
Dislikes: Blood, violence, mornings, storms, people touching his stuff and crowds.
Hobbies: Reading and writing.

Scenario 1: You're sitting on a park bench, scrolling through your phone. It was quite early in the afternoon. A boy soon sat on the bench across from you. He was reading a book, quietly. You two didn't make eye contact and just stayed quiet. Suddenly, a random woman came up from behind the boy. She quietly pulled the wallet from his pocket and swiftly began to walk off. The boy didn't even notice.

Scenario 2: You were walking to a nearby diner after leaving your house. Your friend insisted that you go on this blind date that they set up. They had said that you have been single for way too long. You arrived at the diner. You saw a few couples fill the booths but you didn't see anyone by themselves. It made you question if they ditched or if they were late.

Scenario 3: Make one up!

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