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Hell yeah I hit up Amaya's girl cause I wanted to let her know that she soon was gonna be mine. We didn't do anything yet but I know she wanted me. I'm her boss and if she loves her career she would do anything I tell her. Right now she wants to play hard to get and it's sexy to me. A girl that comes with a challenge is always the ones I chase. Her girl Zane was not any competition to me. I bet she was ready to cry after I sent that message. After sending that message she just read it and it kinda pissed me off. It's okay though we have another business trip and we have a whole month together. I loved doing my business trips with Amya even though I had a thousand other employees I could take. She was just all about her business and bringing my company more money. I know if she left she would be a good asset to a much better company and would probably overpower mine. I mean she could be that type to do some shit like that but I don't really know her. I was trying hard to get to know her but she's been avoiding me. She acts like she don't want me when I know wassup. A lot of these women play hard to get but once I fuck em good they be all in love. Zane will see once I get in with Amaya she won't get her back.

Anyways we still had a couple of days to be together so I'm gon try my damn hardest. I got out of my bed and went to her room cause we were in the same hotel. I don't think she knew I was here though. I decided to pay her a little visit again. This time I hope her invite in is more welcoming than the last time. I caught the elevator up to her floor and walked to her room. I knocked softly but no one came, I know she couldn't be gone. I knocked harder but still no answer and I thought oh maybe she just stepped out. I peeped in her peep hole and it was covered oh, she was a smart one but I'm three steps ahead of her. I went down to the desk and requested a key letting them know that Amaya was my wife and I forgot my key. Since I had rank here they let me have a key and I got back on the elevator back to her room. I was anxious to get in her room cause I know she's in there. I made it again finally and swiped the room key card and it was green. I walked insides and Amaya was no where in sight. "Ugh Amaya I know your ass is in here and when I find you just know that you will be mine", I said aloud before searching her room.

I didn't find anything or her so I just left. If she left this business trip her job is mine. But I'm not tryna get her to take me to court that's too many legal fees and I already got sexual harassment on my background. The judge says if he hears anything else about me and another one of my employees he's throwing me in for 10-25 years. I knew she knew better though because I would find her before they locked me up. If I went down she wouldn't be able to breathe. I ain't threaten her yet but if she tests me she'll see my other personalities come out to play. Right now I needed to find her I wanted her maybe she'd take my mind off things. Once she let me taste her I'll be fine. I don't need any medicines I just needed Amaya. I dreamed about her fucking my face real good and her pussy tasted like the sweetest nectars ever. That's why I needed to find her to see if it was true. After that maybe I would leave her alone but I get hooked too quick. She wouldn't be able to go anywhere. She wouldn't even be able to see her daughter again. Zane and her daughter would be fine without Amaya. I left the room abruptly cause I heard someone coming and I went back down to mine. I called Amaya's phone and it was disconnected. I couldn't believe this bullshit!

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