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6 months later-Zane

It's been 6 months since we been living in Charolette and 6 whole months of Tye seeing Zaniyah. We had Zaniyah a huge party for her when she turned 17 and it was kind of lit. I mean I know Ima adult and all but I was vibing like how I use to be back in my teen days. Sometimes I wish I could start all the way over when life was less complicated. Why the hell they ain't warn us as babies that life would be difficult, but good thing I came out of my storm. I'm a multi-billionaire now and I have been feeling very accomplished with my life. Amaya won her case against Shane and got so much money from that case and now Shane is in prison for 10-25 years. If she does good she'll be out on probation in 5 years. I hope she doesn't get out that soon cause if she come near my woman I will fucking kill her. She almost ruined my relationship and I almost ruined mine by almost fucking around with Zaniyah. Sometimes Zaniyah still takes looks at me and shit like that but I just brush it off. We became very distant since she spent all her time with Tye, Zaniyah has been at Tye's house more than she has been home. I'd rather keep it that way so I don't run into any trouble with her. Zaniyah was a handful and somehow I couldn't find myself alone with her.

I know I'd be tempted all over again so it's best to stay away from her. Yeah for a little bit I was jealous because she was seeing Tye but I couldn't let that be known or shown on my face. Anyways I was coming home after a long day of work and I wanted to lay down but I knew I couldn't sleep because Amaya was out of town with her models doing her modeling and fashion business. Nobody but me was home and I was feeling lonely, I would go for a walk but that girl with that gold and black dodge charger might pull up on me again. For a feminine woman she sure did have a masculine type of car but that was her business. I made it home and got out of my work attire and threw on something simple. I texted Amaya to let me know when her business was over so I could call her and talk sexy talk lol. I missed my baby and being alone in this house just made me wanna go out and do something. If I did I would have to be sure I kept my damn self outta trouble. I decided I would go to the bar since I was off the next three days. I looked up the best bar to go and than I had to decide on an outfit. I wouldn't wear nothing extreme so I could get attention but I was gonna look nice.

I found a bar that almost had a 5 star rating and than I went in my walk in closet to choose my outfit. I decided on some Ralph Lauren Polo navy blue slacks and a tan button down polo shirt with a navy blue horse on it. I threw on my Ralph Lauren Polo shoes which was tan with a blue horse. After throwing on my outfit I felt satisfied and got my things together and headed out the house. I hopped in my black Rover and looked up the bar address on my phone and made my way to it. I got there within 30 minutes and I could hear music flowing from within the bar. It sounded like it was jumping as soon as I parked. I went to the door and showed the security guard my driver's license and he let me through. I went and sat directly at the bar and it was safe to say the place wasn't too crowded or anything. I could have some peace and not be bothered or so I thought. I asked the bartender for a shot of tequila with lime and it went down with a slight burn. I was on my 4th shot when I saw a familiar face and she came to sit right by me. It was the girl with the black and gold dodge charger. "Hey sexy so are you single yet", she asked. "No I am not and I never will be so you can bounce", I said with slurred words.

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