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After a good weekend Zane decided to piss me off but as always I forgive her. Ugh this woman does something to me and has me so attached to her ass. I believed her when she told me some bitch tried to hit on her, that was nothing new to me. Everybody wanted Zane even men smh shit everybody wanted me shit Tye gave me looks too but I brushed it off. At least Tye wasn't like Shane and tryna be aggressive towards me. Speaking of Shane I had already got another career with a better company and told them about my incident with Shane. I filed a lawsuit with her and so did other women. I was gonna be glad when all of this was gonna be over with because now I could focus on keeping my family. If anybody tried to get in my way I'm going in on they ass. Anyways like I said Zane pisses me off sometimes and she can get under my skin but she is the one for me and always will be. I can't phantom being without her even though she took me through hell and back. I love her to death and we should be talking about marriage and not arguing. Even when  I wanna give up on her I can't it's just so hard to, when she's been the one to support me and move me and Zaniyah down here to Charolette with her. She could've moved down here with anybody else honestly.

I knew than I had me a good woman and we just need to work more on our relationship. Anyways as I was reminiscing I was in the kitchen beginning to prepare dinner and somebody startled me. It was Tye and she came in there rubbing her eyes as if she just had woke up. "Hey how did your weekend go", she asked. "It went great I loved every minute of it and I'd do it all again", I said with a smile. "Zaniyah and I had fun too but nothing like that if that's what you were going to think", she said smiling. I rolled my eyes and thought to my self that's probably what she really meant. But I knew my daughter better than that she was too scared to have sex but I know she would let somebody give her head and touch her. "Look Tye if you like my daughter than don't play her cause I will kill you", I said showing her the knife I had in my hand. She looked like she was about to shit her pants but Ima parent and I didn't want my daughter to go through what I went through. I know every relationship isn't perfect but I don't want to see my daughter heartbroken anymore. When her dad made her come stay with me again Zaniyah was so hurt and sad it didn't make sense. I tried to do my best and my all to make her get over it but she didn't.

Zaniyah got over it but that was a little over a minute ago but she hadn't even asked about her dad since she been here. When I was in the kitchen talking to Tye that's when Zaniyah walked in with a smile on her face. "Somebody is glowing", I said looking at her with a smile. "Yeah I'm just happy to see my mom that's all", Zaniyah said. "Mmhmm I know better than that girl you ain't fooling nobody", I said. "Mom whatever it is not like that", she said crossing her arms like a little baby. She began to pout and Tye was making cute noises at her like Zaniyah was a baby or something. All of us was in the kitchen and than Zane walked in, Zaniyah's face turned from a smile to a look of disappointment. "Hey guys", Zane said so awkwardly. "HEY", me and Tye both said while Zaniyah remained silent. "Umm Zaniyah Zane did speak so say hey back or you can be grounded and Tye can go home", I said sternly. "Fine hey Zane how are you", she said so fakely. I swear Ima bust this girl ass if she be sarcastic one more time smh. "It's okay babe she probably got her period or something", Zane said. Zaniyah gave her a look and Zane smirked and shrugged and just walked away.  "Zaniyah what's going on at first you like Zane and now you're just acting bipolar towards her", I said. "It's nothing mom let it go", she said with a stank ass attitude.

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