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Honestly I don't even know what's going on but it's tension between Zaniyah and Zane and that seemed a little odd. I guess it's cause maybe Zane thinks I just want one thing from Zaniyah but that ain't true. I came in the kitchen to actually ask her mom if we could date and I couldn't ask yet. I waited until it died down and it was just me and her mom in the kitchen again. Zaniyah mom was fine as hell too but I know she was way too old for me. I mean she might get hooked off this young nigga lol. "Hey but seriously I came in here to ask you a serious question", I said. "What is it Tye", Amaya asked. "I wanna date Zaniyah like I'm feeling her vibe and all that, but I don't wanna rush things I just wanna date her and see where things go." She looked at me with shock but she smiled soon after. "I knew it but okay and if y'all get in a serious relationship I have to know first don't do things without my permission or I will kill you", her mom said with a evil grin. I already knew this damn lady was crazy so I better not fuck this up. I just hope that I don't because I really like Zaniyah with her young sexy ass. Just thinking bout how wet I made her pussy earlier turned me on. I needed to taste it now and feel it with my strap.

Ugh I didn't want her just for her sex but I already knew if I take her virginity she was gonna go crazy and be stuck for life. If I put myself through that situation I know I wouldn't be allowed to do shit. With going into college I kind of live a flirtatious lifestyle and never seem to settle with one girl. So I hope if anything serious does come out of this I don't end up hurting Zaniyah in the long run. When her mom said it was okay I was happy as hell cause I thought she would trip or need approval from Zane. "What about how Zane feels about it I mean y'all are together", I asked just in case. "Zane isn't her daddy I'm her mom and if I say it's okay it's okay now gone on now before I change my mind", her mom said aggressively. I laughed and went back to the living room but I didn't see Zaniyah in there. I went up to her room and she was in there just playing on her phone. "You miss me", I asked closing the door behind me and sitting close to her. "Yeah so what was you talking to my mom about", she asked. "I asked could I date you and see where this goes cause I like you but I ain't tryna rush into nothing serious", I said sincerely. "Damn wow and what did she say", Zaniyah said with a concerned look.

"She cool with it and she said don't worry about Zane so shit I ain't worrying", I said. "Good cause I like you too Tye even though I shouldn't even like girls", she said. "Well I'm not just some girl I'm your future daddy", I said laughing. "Nigga you funny as hell and whatever", Zaniyah said. "So I ain't your daddy that's what I had you moaning earlier baby girl", I said with a smirk. She smiled and rolled her eyes that's always her favorite shit to do, is roll her eyes. "I love when you roll your eyes ma", I said licking my lips. I knew when I licked my lips and talked the way I did, it turned her on. I just liked being close to her and I didn't even wanna go home tonight but I had shit to handle tomorrow. "Look I gotta go cause I got important shit to handle but I'll be back soon", I said. She looked sad but I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her lips and she smiled at me and ran her fingers through her hair. I think she was going to fall hard for me fast. I sighed as I got up and left out the room. When I made it outside I ran into Zane and she didn't look too happy. "Yo if you gotta problem than say so than", I said. "Nah you good bruh do you I'm good", she said looking at me up and down. 

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