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Yes we did so good at the fashion show and each of my girls and even me got a big check from it and many opportunities. Other fashion agencies were there and willing to work with me and my models. That would mean I would be on the road more and I knew Zane wouldn't like that at all but I was these girls only manager. I wasn't going to leave them with anybody who treated them shitty. I called Zane and let her know the good news. When I told her she didn't sound to happy and I was wondering would this put a strain on our relationship. "Ugh you're gonna be gone way more than you need to be Amaya so when do you come home", she asked. "I come home today but I'll have to go with my girls to London for about 3 months", I replied. "You know what it's whatever I guess I'll see you when you get here." She didn't sound to excited so I decided to tell Zaniyah to tell her about it. "Mom are you serious, you really gonna be gone for that long without asking how we feel", she said disappointed. "Baby this is for more money and my girls are really good", I said. I was feeling bad about this now but I was too excited to let Zane and Zaniyah to put me in a bad mood. "Whatever mom do what you do, this won't be the last time you choose your work over family."

When she said that those words sting but I knew she was right. She hit the hammer on the head but I was doing this because Zane had did so much for us. I know she was a multi-millionaire but I was independent and liked my own money. I could give up my career if I wanted to but fashion was always something I wanted to do. It's my passion and I can't give up on my girls now or at all. If they wanted to make me feel shitty oh well I had shit I needed to do and I was gonna do it. I prepared myself to get home and I knew I would get some looks but honestly I don't care. I would whoop Zaniyah's ass if she get smart with me cause I'm the parent and she just a child. Ugh I packed and waited for my driver to take me to the airport and told my girls I would see them back in my office on Monday. They told me goodbye and I said it back, I put my headphones in and listened to some music on my playlist. I finally had made it back home and when I walked inside Zane and Zaniyah looked like they were bonding again. It was cute because usually they wanna kill each other. "Hey guys what are you two up to", I asked. "Not anything but spending time as a family", Zaniyah said smartly.

"Okay get smart again and I will buss your ass little girl", I said. "Nah she's right Amaya", Zane said taking up for her. "Wow I'm really not bout to get jumped on by you two right now", I said. I couldn't believe their attitudes right now. I gave them good news and they weren't even happy for me. At least tell me congratulations and not get me any lip. I just shook my head and looked for something to cook and was just too mad to cook. "Since you two wanna be smart asses you can eat out tonight or cook for y'all damn self", I said smartly. I needed a relaxing bath and some wine so I took a bottle upstairs in the bedroom with me. Zane out of all people gonna treat me like this when I had been gone. She didn't even act like she missed me and Zaniyah was giving me lip as usual. Her mouth is the reason why she had to go live with her dad in the first place. Sometimes I wish he was a good man like when I first met him, because I would send her ass away again. In all honesty I'm thinking about sending her to my mom because I'm sick of her attitude. I guess Tye got her in her feelings and she taking it out on me because my life is busy right now. I mean Zane doesn't even have a busy work life but we have two different careers and I'm just involved in a lot more than she is. 

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