HE3: Girl Fight

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I laughed and cried in silence. No, not her why must it be her" Don't get me wrong, I am not in love with my best friend. All I want is for him to be happy. But, Bianca is not the one. 
I walked up to her counting my steps...

" what did you just say?" I asked her.

" You heard me right. I don't have to repeat myself" she smirked.

Ay knew me and my zero patience, he quietly apologised and held her hand. Both walked out to the deck. Leaving me in my confused state.

I have got to say; I didn't see that coming. Ayo and Bianca? A lot has really been going on right under my nose. Throwing back to the days, we never talked about us ending up with our classmates.  I remembered Ay would shove the question under his locker literally. ..

Bianca wasn't just the class' socialite or the go to, to become famous, she was the class princess and spoilt little cheerleader. She had the skill, no doubt about but she just wasn't ready to fit in anyone's league. And no one could fit hers.
Yea!she really was a bitch in her little world.
Now screwing my adulthood with my best friend. ...

" Hey,  you need a drink?" I heard the voice again. This time he was smiling and carefree, holding a glass of wine.

" No, I am fine. I need to clear my head" I started to walk towards the entrance door."

" I take it; you need to be alone. But, don't want to deal with all these heat" He said

" what heat ?" I asked in a confused tone

" have this, I will walk you " He gave me the wine. Grabbed my outerwear and scarf. He wrapped my scarf around my neck, and helped with my outerwear. " what a kind gesture."

" Thanks but I am fine to walk alone."

" I am coming with you. It's late Anna."

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