30: "Trickish"

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Wow! It's the 30th update!
When I started to write HE,
I didn't think it would get to this chapter but thanks to so much commitment here we are😂
Thanks for reading and sharing my work.

Anna's (POv).

The minute Philip and I arrived at the hotel we said our goodbyes in hope to meet in an hour for our lunch date. I called Lilian who had my client on hold on a video call at the moment.

"HI, my apologies for the hold" I gave my professional smile which I hope was convincing enough.

"Hello, Anna," Sam from the pharmaceutical company said then continued "Lilian gave me a hint on why we are on hold. Your flight was smooth, I suppose?" I smiled at his inquisition. Over the years, Sam has been more than a client to our company.

I gave the nod in response to his question. "So, did you have the chance to go through the policies and regulations for the new medication?" I queried

" My lawyers are going over it. I should get the feedback by the end of the day." he smiled at me. Just like me, Sam likes to be thorough with business dealings, especially with this new product. I can't believe John is willing to invest in pharmaceuticals, whatever happened to other business dealings like entertainments or communications. I sighed then looked at the screen with Sam's worried face on.

" It will be fine Sam. Once it passes the clinical trial applications, then we can be sure to invest. Consider it like other products we have invested in"I tried to reassure him. he nods in response

"Thanks, Anna. have I ever told you that John is lucky to have you as a co-partner ?"

"I am flattered, Sam. thanks for your kind words."

"You're welcome. Bill will call in a few days I hope that you will pick up this time?" he asked

Bill, his first son whom we attended business school together. Like I said Sam is more than a client. For years, he has been trying to hook up his son and me together. I smiled at Sam's witty question.

"I will be sure to pick up if it is about investment" we both laughed at my response.

"You're a handful, Anna. Do take care and enjoy your trip."

"And you too, Sam. fewer worries too."

"Bye, dear."

"Bye, Sam" the connection goes off.

Philip is in for a lot of competition.

In silence, I prayed that Bill doesn't call even if the call has now been an inside joke between Sam and me.

Thirty minutes are gone, I decided to freshen up before Philip ends his meeting with whoever he had to meet on the seventh law firm acquisition.

My man is a multi-billion

I felt chills run through my veins while I tried to come to terms with this new development. Putting a call through Lilian, a soft knock came in from outside our hotel room. I frowned then cut the call and sent her a text instead.

"Who is it?" I asked as I approached the door

"Room service," said the female voice

But, I didn't order anything yet, in my hesitant to open the door, rummaged my mind.... it cant be the stalker? We had just flown over to another continent. My best option would be Philip's special treat. I smiled then opened the door for her.

" Hi, my name is Rhoda and welcome to Rhodes island." courtesied smile plastered on her face.

"Nice to meet, you Rhoda" I smiled back.

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