42: Mama San

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The moment Philip and I highlighted from the car, Shaun ran to hug me. I have to say, the tears that we're hidden for the past hour surged down my eyes. Shaun hugged me again and wisphered into my ear "its alright, you're home. I am sorry you had such a bad day. Let's go in , I will walk you to your room."

I tried to relief all the pain from past events but it didn't calm me down. Shaun kept rubbing her hand on my back to calm me. Philip stood a feet away from us, with despair in his eyes. As our eyes met, he mouthed "I am sorry"
The genuine nature about him is what I have always loved about him. His charisma to keep it together for us, is all I will ever be grateful for.

"What is all these fuss about? "
I heard someone say, the voice, I least expected at this moment in time.

"Mother, I didn't expect you to be back until later today. " Philip said.
I detangled myself from shaun's hug, to get a better view of the woman. My man's mother.

She gave a quick smile at me and turned back to her son.

" Flight got cancelled, i used the private airplane, instead. " gives him a kiss on his cheek while she totally ignored the rest of us. "I have to talk to you now. See me in my office."

"Mother can't it wait. I had a bit of bad day already." Philip yelled before she walked into the house. In distress, Philip looked from Shaun to me. It was glaring that he did t want to have to leave me all by myself but still wants to obey his mother.

" Its okay baby, go do what you have to do"

" I will be back soon, promise."

" Cool".

Brushing my lips to his in a haste, I hurried inside with Shaun behind me.

"Are you okay?" Shaun asked as we got into the room.

" about what?" Feigning ignorant

" Hey,hey, don't shut me out. " she walked up to me as I looked out the window.

" I don't know if it's a good thing to be here. You know, coming to London." Shaun wipes off the tears rolling down my face. " the woman won't even acknowledge me, why is that. Am I not enough?"

"No, don't say that. You don't say that, you have come a long way for such statement. You're a enough and no one can tell you that you're not. Philip will handle his mother. So tell me what is really going on. What happened at the function?"

With a huge sigh, " All I know is that some guy just went on shooting rampage."

" that sucks. "

" Tell me about it. Lilian had a fit of the moment. "

" Yea, she seemed out when she came in with a guy"

" Oh  Clement, her boyfriend "

" that's comforting. "

" So, what should I do?"

" What?"

"His family and everything "

Shaun smiled before sitting  beside me. "Girlfriend,  don't mind my awkward question but I have to ask what is your relationship like with Philip? Do you still get intoxicated with him being around you"
I couldn't help but nod in response.

"I love him, and all his baggage.  If you know what I mean"

Shaun laughed out at my description

" You must think I am stupid. But he is  family. I know it sounds awkward, considering how far we have come. "

Holding my hands, shaun nods and sighs. " Then this decision is yours to make, girlfriend. Whatever it is ,I will always have your  back." Shaun continued ad she robs my hands together.  I assume it was to make me feel less anxious.

"Thank you,I live for your counsel. My dear friend." Together in embrace I felt I could do anything to be closer with Philip. But first, mama San needs some pep talk from her son's woman.



"Mother, what is all this about" I said as I walked into the underground office. One thing about the San building is the inner circle offices located in all parts of the estate. From my great-great grandfather down to my father, all had included their very own.... unique inner offices where they could only entertain elites in the society. However, this very one in which my mother uses was planned out and built by me.
" my trip was fine, thanks for asking." Mother said with sarcasm. I smiled and grinned at her.
As I sat across from her, she hands me two  folders.

" The new company in Greece..."

" what about it?" Cutting her short

" can you manage both firm? " she sits on the big couch then stood up walked around the room to her desk.

"Mother, I thought we agreed on hiring experts to oversee the company, why would you want to change the board's decision" Looking down at the folders in my hand. I let out a sigh.
Not again! Not one of her many secret investigations.

" Care to tell me what this is about?"

"Open it,before you give me your sermon. " she sighs then went to the bar in the corner ,pours herself a drink. Dad's favorite scotch, she doesn't seem to amaze me. One minute she is ice cold with no emotions. Next minute she is hanging unto things that relieve her past.
I opened the folder as mother instructed,  the first gaze at the photographs ,I knew who it was and what it meant.

A background check. On Anna!! A freaking background check?

For the first time, I fought myself to stay calm while my stomach boils up in rage.

"Mother?" I looked up at her as she drank down her scotch.

" Read it" she chuckled " like I said ,keep your sermon for the time being and read what is before you." Sips her drink.

" Mother, I know everything about Anna. Why would I need this information? You think I would leave her like the rest of the women you have threatened?"

" Son, you need to listen. I bet there is one piece of information that your arent aware of. I bet she doesn't know too. Son, I have never been against any girl you bring home. As a matter of fact what I am against is their greed to covet whatever you have. Its distasteful.  Your father and grandfather worked their ass off to build this empire and no one is allowed to take it away. " she paused to pace the room. " so if you don't mind my over zealous attitude about what your father, grandfather and I have accomplished for you, you go ahead and read this piece of information."

" And what might that be "I  threw the folder away in rage. Another photo which I had ignored  fell out from the pile of papers.

The person in the picture looking closely looked familiar. The gaze on my mother's face says it all. She is having fun.

" wait a minute,  what's Clement's picture doing here" the voice behind me was unexpected. I turned to look at Anna behind me, staring at the picture in my hand.

Clement! He is the missing piece in the folder. What the actual fuck is going on?

Been a little bit.... off 😊
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⏰ Última atualização: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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