22: You're My Annie!

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He drew the wool off my shoulder, down my arms. "You're lovely" He pressed a kiss to one shoulder then the other.

"Just fuck me already" I moaned. The ways his hands and mouth are on me could make me blow up.

"Badass Annie"

Annie! is that some pet name?

Whatever! I am not about to think through the name just yet.
I smote a sigh as he necked me, then whispered into my ears "you're so beautiful,you're my Annie" his fingers drove into my vagina. I held on to his shoulder to get my grip.

Then he suddenly left me seated on the desk and went around the office, opened the top drawer of his desk. His eyes held mine in place, with his usual smirk. He held out a stack of the condom. A short laugh broke out between us.

"Must be pleasing to have stacks of condom lying around your house."

He grinned before he replied " isn't it fun? I only have to walk a distance to get to it." shaking the stack in the air.

"tell me, the hidden places Philip." I inquired

" now, where is the fun in that."

"smiling as he moved closer towards me.

Just then I noticed he still had his pants on and the little Philip was waiting to be free. On second thought it isn't small, my view confirmed itself when he took off his slack, and the magnum stood before me: waiting to be pleased.
Stretching out my hand to touch him, he pulled farther away.

"witty brat."

He laughed out at my outburst and upon calling my name, moved swiftly in-between my legs. His dick was just closer. Very responsive to my touch, Phil, gave a slow hiss upon my every contact. I was smitten to own such experience.

"I am glad; I could do this to you " smirked my way up to his eyes. They were on me; I could only imagine what was going on in his mind.

Tonight isn't just having casual sex. Tonight I want to experience a path with him. I want his genuineness and relatively all of him.

I took a condom from the stack then tore at it with my teeth. A slight smirk formed on his face with an amazed gaze.
" What? I see it in movies."

"I didn't say nothing " with a southern accent. Philp drove his hands into my hair and playfully ruffled it.

" come, on keep still"I offered

Coughs "yes, mam" scoffed " your hand tickles, are you sure...."

" sheesh" I cut him off, my eyes fixed on the condom sliding down his dick
" let me...."

" Sheesh," I said. " this is awkward, can't seem to fit it in" He held my hand and slid the condom in.
" there" smiled, pulled me closer and slides into me.

"Shit..." I held unto Philip as he rode slowly.

" I love you, Annie." He kissed me and kept a pace as he explored my body with his hands and mouth.

We met each other with so much intensity like our lives depended on it. His touch brought warmth to my heart. He cupped my face in his hands, and I felt myself tremble. I touched my lips to his and heard his sigh. It was a moment I knew he would always remember. I felt his acceptance, desire and our vulnerability as one.


A little shaken as I lay her on my kingsized bed, I climbed to join her with a grimace.
She was naked, but the shyness was gone.
From her gaze she wanted me to touch and taste and look my fill, just as she was driven to. My body must be a fascination with muscle and taut skin. I never imagined a woman would respond so utterly as she did. At the moment, I want to badly take her up and over again and again, until she was limp and mindless.

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