12: Vun

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Anna's POV (Point Of View).


Yeah, that explains how my mind was all night long.
"Why did you leave?"

His question keeps coming to mind. I pause in my typing to think. Why did I leave that night? He was under my skin! There you have it!

"Not my kind of man but still my kind of man." I blurted out.

" Are you okay? You seem to be talking to yourself lately" she hands me a glass of wine. It's our Sunday night hang out and here I was about to ruin it with Philip's national question. I put my laptop aside. No office work on girl's night, I have to keep the rule. I smiled defiantly at Shaun.

" I haven't "I replied jokingly " You good?" I asked Shaun.

Most of the time our communication skill is all in our body language, and we can tell when one of us is not having the best days.

It's two weeks Shaun and my Jamaican boss/partner are still not on good terms with each other.

My personality won't let me get in on their business, thanks to that; I have my fair share of struggles too.

"You need to stop zoning out on me Anna" I heard her comment " Talk it out with me, its girl's night and right now, I have all the care in the world" she continued. We cheer with our glass of wine; I gulped it down my throat, I see Shaun staring at me.
"Girl, you need to take it easy" she pours some more wine in my cup.

"Says the one still pouring the wine in my cup" I threw a "throw pillow" at her" she screeched. Yea I know she hates that but she asked for it. " Are you okay?" Shaun asked me intently.

"Nah, remember the time I took three days vacation" I turned to her side, she nods, " I told you about my encounter with someone"I paused, she nods for me to continue "The person I encountered joins the firm this week."

"No kidding" Shaun exclaimed. "That's a good vibe because all along you have been in search of this guy right?"

I took a breath in and out, hands covering my face. " I wasn't expecting this proximity, you know how I hate being in a close relationship with someone, it distorts my thought." I blurted

"Anna, it's not bad." She said calmly

"How is that working out for you and John?" You barely function whenever you both fight. I can't handle such a relationship." I intensely blurted out.

Shaun stared hard at me, and suddenly hugged me. "The relationship John and I have is different Anna, it's not perfect, but I am not complaining. Yours is different; I see the way you work diligently irrespective of the person in the room. You are work oriented, and no one can stop you." I tear down." why are you so considerate Shaun?" I whispered

Releasing me from the hug, she answered: " because that's who you are Anna."

" You haven't seen him. He is different; he brings out my vulnerable side..."

"Does he intoxicate you?" She cuts in;
I threw another pillow at her. She laughs out. " I guess, he gets under your skin at the very thought of him. Anna, welcome home ... You do have emotions after all." She drank her wine while face the tv lost in my thought.


Down in my pyjamas, I climb the bed holding on to my laptop. I have some unfinished business before the morning. I have to say; it was helpful for Shaun to talk me through the process of my incessant vulnerability. As I turn on the system, a message popped up on the screen of my phone which was on my bed. It's 11 pm, who could it be? "it had better not be a spam message."I voiced out.
I read the message out " Hello Ketchup, how are you doing? I am coming into town this weekend. See you soon Ketc." I got a smile plastered on my face; Ayo! My best friend is coming to town. No better way to relieve this stress and boy trouble than talk it out with your best friend.
Waking up with a pensive mood and going to bed in an exciting mood is an excellent way to call it a day.


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TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT SHAUN and ANNA's KIND OF FRIENDSHIP? AYO will be in town too. YEP! Exciting lines are comin

 YEP! Exciting lines are comin

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g up in the next series.
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