13: Is "Love is a necessary Tragedy?"

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Mornings and I are not friendly; most especially Monday mornings

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Mornings and I are not friendly; most especially Monday mornings.who does anyways? But I try to be as bright as I can be to get through the day with a cup of coffee. If anyone asks me "are you a morning or a night person?

I am neither one of the two!

Yea! I give that answer religiously to anyone who asks.

This morning the sunray shines right into my eyes waking me up from my seven hours sleep. Pulling my duvet over my head as I sit with my head resting on my headboard. I begin to reminisce on how my day would go.
Five mins later, my six am alarm rung I get out of bed with the thought of taking just a shower.

I miss my bed already!

Fifteen minutes is all it takes to get ready in the mornings but today the time seems to drag by.

"I am not feeling it today, should I call in sick," I thought out loud. " Nah, John will freak out. We both have a consultation today" I continue

The doorbell swift my mind to breakfast preparation. I check the time on the wall, 6:45 am.

"Whoever it is should have a reasonable explanation for coming by."

I walk towards my door with a neutral face. When the doorbell rang the second time, I opened the door.

"Hey, Ketc! " Ayo happily popped in my face. "Surprise!" He said as stretched out his arms for a hug

"Freaking goodness!" With excitement plastered on my face, I screamed: "you're so silly Ayo!" I run to embrace my best friend of twenty years.

Releasing him from the embrace I look at my friend " Last night you told me that you would be in town this week. I wasn't expecting you this morning. When did you arrive?" I asked

"I was on the plane when I sent that text Ketc; I arrived this morning at 4 am" he smirked. "I told you she would be surprised! " he said out loud.

I looked around it is just the two of us by the door, who is he be talking to?

" Is that Bianca? Did you leave her in the car park? " I asked. Ayo shakes his head in response. " No, Bianca is at her parents. Something about a family issue" he walks into my kitchen, grabs a toast and takes a bite. " same old toast Ketc.." He said

" Is everything okay with her family?" I inquire more with a worried look.

" Her older sister is having issues with her husband. She wants some quality time with her sister and family. I told her to stay as much as she wants to, " he replies and continues " and I want some alone time with my bestie." Throws a toast at me which I caught in the air, thanks to my high school basketball skill.
"Awwww, that's sad. She must be devastated" I worriedly said.

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