14: Selfless-Love

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"We will be best friends forever because you already know too much."
I love this friendship quote!
I ship Shaun and Anna's friendship. I hope their friendship keeps sailing.
I imagined Shaun's and Anna's offices respectively as the pictures portrayed.


At the lobby, I saw Anna in haste walked past us, and by us, I imply: John and I.We had decided to apologise and make things work. But, deep down in my freaking heart, I know there are things we need to work hard at, for our relationship to work. Don't get me wrong I love John; he's the most compassionate and livid headed when working for him. Just in an understandable language, he's the male version of Anna. And this is why both are ethically compatible in their profession.
However, I would like it if he stops treating me like one of his employees.
Yea, Butt-head professional! That's the word.

" Babe, I have to go now," he said while he checks the email that came in.
" Like now? " I asked, not sure if my reverse psychology would make him stay longer.
" Yea, I have a 9'o clock remember? I promise I will be back before lunch." He pouts at me. He does this everytime to get away from my incessant nagging of not staying longer. " I promise " he kisses me on my cheek.
"Fine, I have to see what Anna is up to anyways. " we both stood up at the same time.
"I will walk you to the elevator" he offered
" Don't you have a nine 'o clock to run to?" I hasten my pace.
" I have ten mins to spare for my girl, besides Anna and I have the

" I have ten mins to spare for my girl, besides Anna and I have the

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nine 'o clock together."
"Hmmm, you don't say", I replied with a little bit of sarcasm.

He held my right hand to keep me from my hasty steps " how about we get away this weekend if you don't have plans yet." I became flustered.

Yea! I would love a weekend getaway.
" Anna is welcome to join us too; it seems  she needs some time off work."

Here he goes again; I want some alone time with him, and he wants to invite the whole town.
Sometimes I want to be selfish; I want things to work out for us! Don't get me wrong; I love Anna, she had been my best friend since college, she had been there through my first breakups and parents passing, but when it comes to my relationship I do not want a third wheel.
Besides, She has her fair share of struggles too am not ready to add more to her plate.
" Okay, I will ask her to join us," I said as I got off the elevator
" Cool, I will see you at lunch or before that." He blows me a kiss, which I caught in the air.
He then mouths the " I love you" word.
He's so silly! And I love him too.


I walked into Anna's secretary in the hallway; we nearly bumped heads with one another. I must have been lost in my thoughts. Loads of butterflies in my tummy from John's earlier silly impulsiveness.
"So sorry," she voiced out
"That's okay; I should be the one to apologise, I was in the way," I said calmly with my brightest smile.
In my years of professional knowledge, higher level personnel should always apologise with an aura of calmness. And for someone like Lilian, she needs it more than anyone. She looks healthy on the outside but fragile on the inside. Which makes it more understandable for me being the staff' health consultant has taught me ways on how to handle different personality.
"Is Anna in her office?" I asked while I helped her pick up the pile of files on the floor.
She gave a soft response."Yes, mam."
I thanked her with my smile then left for Anna's office.

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