19: Keepsake.

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"Wow, this house is beautiful. Lovely" Anna voiced out.

"Thank you " came my response. "But you will need the daylight to see all of it. I promise"
She smiled in response , her gaze went back to the house on site.

I got down from the car and went to the passenger's side to open the door for her. But before I got there, she had beat me to it and was taking in the picturesque of my house. I smiled and moved to stand side by side with her. This view is excellent. I had never stopped to give my house a thorough look before.let's say, I was always in a hurry to leave and get into the house.
I didn't want to spoil the mood, so we stood in silence for five minutes.
Anna is standing right I front of my house! After so much nudging from Shaun and Ayo that she should come to my place so that we could care for her.

Shaun had given an excuse of having a seminar to attend out of town while Ayo had said my place would be more convenient to stay. Not being excited is an understatement.
I will treasure more moments like this to come.

After five mins she offered to take a few of her bags in while I get the rest of her stuff.

"No, you go on. I will get the bags " I ignored her offer.

"Okay," she mumbled and walked right in front of me.

She hadn't complied with the staying, why does she have all these luggage?" I asked myself not expecting an answer. Shaun had told me to go with the flow when it comes to dealing with Anna. Taking all these stuff, it looks like a teenager running from the home with no clue on how to start life.

" did you get everything?" I heard her shout the question from my doorstep.
"I am trying"I yelled back.

This is going to be a long night. I concluded that taking two trips to the house sound reasonable

" Good b'cos it is freezing out here. I need you to open your door for me." She replied
Shit! The door! I need to get the door. I ran towards the door.

" sorry" with a smile before I punched in my passcode into the system.

" Thank you," she replied

"You're welcome. I will get the rest of the bags." I said while I dashed out to my car to get the bags.
I heard my dogs barking; I figured I would feed them when I have Anna settled in.


"Touchy much," I said to Anna who was startled at the sound of my voice in the room.

" I am so sorry. I couldn't help myself; the picture is so beautiful." She said with a big smile on her face. With her temperature down she felt at home but not sure about her feelings for me though.

" Thanks, I got that as a souvenir on my tour around Europe.

" It is nice. Europe? " she seemed interested in the conversation.

" Yes," I walked around the couch to the shelves where my books and souvenirs were stacked. "And it was fun."

" What took you around Europe, work or pleasure?" She squats to pick up a keepsake I got in Romania.

" Fun most of the time but I got to work so I could save "I replied.

" And this" examining the keepsake. " how did it come to your possession?"
" I traded my shoes for that," I replied
Raised eyebrows at me " heck! " she laughed out

" Yea! Heck! You want to hear the details?" I joined her in laughing.
She nods still trying to contain her laughter.

" so, here I was at breakfast at the inn I was staying. In came this young boy of eleven in some wretched wear. Probably was seen or had come through the kitchen. There, I was he asked me for some penny." My gaze didn't leave her as she curled up on the couch while she listened to my tale, she nudged me to go on.

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