37. "Penny for your thoughts?"

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Two updates in a day? 😋
Yea its a holiday today, hence decided to update one more chapter.
Have fun reading 🔥🔥
Keep on voting 🙌


As we both heard the doorbell sound one more time. We detangled from our cuddle and looked towards the door.
" Are you expecting someone?" I asked while I wiped the tears off my face.
"No, none that I know of" Philip straightened himself then stood up. He checked the time hanging on the wall of his sitting room.

" It's only half past eight"

" Yeah, pretty late for someone to call in" I replied.

" It could be Natty  or Sunny visiting"
I nodded those are the only two who could show up announced to their brother's home.

" Let me get the door."  As I was about to join him, he disapproved by shaking his head at me "Sit, I will be back soon"

I nodded. He walked from the couch into the hallway that leads to the entrance of his house. I sighed, while I wait in anticipation I took the remote on the couch to continue F.R.I.E.N.D.S tv show that was on. I smiled as Rachel told Ross they were on a "break" and The whole group of friends were believing the sarcasm.

In my solitude and state of mind with Friends playing in the background, I darted my eyes on Philip and the guest who had just walked in... Someone I haven't met before.
I tried to stand up but the spang of pain triggered my memory that  I was incapacitated for the moment.
However, Philip's smile tells me the guest is not a stranger but someone he's well acquainted with. Someone who seems to be a father figure.....

Omg! That's right! A father figure. Must be his stepfather!

" Hello, " the guest approached me with the same stride as Philip does.  " You must be Anna" he squatted to my level smiling. His brown eyeballs light up at me. The hair on his head was cultured and you could tell it does look good and well kept. The grey hair and the aura he leaves off was like that of George Clooney.

" I am glad to meet you" he continues with his British accent becoming evident. " Philip, be a lad and introduce us" he smiled up at Philp.

" You weren't having trouble doing that, Father " Philip 's response confirmed my assumption that the man who had just situated himself beside me was indeed the stepfather.

" Common, did I teach you nothing?"

He nudged Philip jokingly. You can tell they both have a good cordial relationship. But why does Philip refrain from talking about him?

" Fine" Phil sighed " Anna, meet James Ashton. My father " he fakes a cough after he asserted the "my father"

" Nice meeting you Mr James. " I smiled at my intended father-in-law.

Shoot did I just say that? Where is the thought coming from? I am not sure we are even there yet?"

" Come, on call me Ashton. He looks from Me to his son. " Sorry I had to come in and ruin the atmosphere. My flight had a bit of delay. I called Natty, she said she was busy and with Sunny in Milan.".... With the explanation coming off on the event that led to his coming here, I could see Philip unnerved and all.

Philip cuts in " Father, it's fine. You're always welcome here."

" Father doesn't like to take the private planes, he calls it mismanagement of power," Philip explained. Not that I am curious but it made sense to me. I smile at the bants between this father and son.

" I like to travel with other airlines to learn about the management " Ashton defends as he sat across from me.

" Helps you build your mindset too" I

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