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"Lynx got pregnant," Anika told me a few days later at lunch. "Lord, can you imagine how fucking smug she'll be now? Rubbing her belly and waddling like an idiot."

"At least we don't have to deal with her anymore," I offered.

"Well, we will eventually," she said after swallowing a bite of food. "When we're pregnant we'll have to bunk with her again."

I nodded, the thought a bit unsettling. There's no if; soon, within a few months, maybe a few weeks, I'll be pregnant with Ren's child. It was much easier to compartmentalize if I held onto the thought that perhaps he was sterile and we'd just have to do these daily sessions for the rest of time. Even the idea of dying or being forced to do hard labor seemed more appealing than having to birth a child only to give it away after a few months.

"Okay, so I seriously have to know," Anika said, setting down her utensils. "Does Ren actually just cum in you and then leave every time?" 

Despite my better judgment, I couldn't help but giggle and nod. 

"Do you think you were his first?"

"No, he's way too old for that," I said hastily. He was at least my age, or maybe a few years my senior. Surely he couldn't've been a virgin. Before he was a high-ranking officer of the First Order, he must've had girlfriends. But, then again, the Sith and the Jedi had both trained their members from boyhood, maybe the First Order operated the same way. "He seems to know what he's doing, at least mechanically."

"That doesn't mean anything, it's the simplest thing in the world. Like threading a needle except with pieces of meat."

As crude as the analogy was, she was right; I doubted any man needed lessons on how to stick his cock in a hole.

"I know it sounds crazy, but you're really lucky," Anika assured me. "Egon, that's the ugly fucker I work for, he always kisses me and fondles me while it's going on, like we're a goddamn couple. It's the same with the rest of the women around here. No one likes it, even the ones who lie can't do it convincingly; you can see it in their eyes. It's gross having a man you don't love telling you to jerk him off."

"Do they really ask for that?"

"Yeah, constantly. Some of these guys, well, they're old, or heavy drinkers, or just exhausted from trying to destroy the Republic, so they can't always manage to get it up."

Right as I was about to reply, I felt a cold sensation on the back of my neck. I looked around and, for the briefest moment, caught Kylo Ren looking at me, eyes cold and angry, but he glanced away the second our gaze met. Even though he was pouring himself water, I could feel the rage flowing off of him.

"You don't think he can hear us, do you?" I asked Anika nervously.

"From all the way over here? No way." She propped her chin on her hand. "You know, if there's anyone I wouldn't mind blowing around here, it's Sith-Daddy over there." Cocking her head to the side, she added, "But I don't think I could imagine him lovingly caressing anyone, let alone a girl."

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