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When Ren said he was taking me outside, I thought he meant outside the dining hall. I never, in my wildest fantasies, did I think he meant the literal outdoors. I didn't even know Starkiller Base had an 'outdoors', but, when he took the lift to the top floor, sliding his universal key over the sensor, steel double-doors opened to a gust of icy wind. Ren took my hand, guiding me out of the elevator, and I hastily lifted my dress so I wouldn't trip.

"Is this- is this-" I knelt down, touching the white layer of cold wetness coating the ground. "Is this snow?"

"You sound surprised."

"I've never seen it in real life," I confessed, a bit embarrassed. "My father described it to me, but I didn't expect it to be so- I don't know- it's thick but watery at the same time. Quite strange, don't you think?"

He shrugged, offering a hand to help me up. "It snowed every winter where I grew up; I've never not known what it looked like."

"Where did you grow up?"

"Not important." He looked me up and down as if noticing my attire for the first time. "Are you cold?"

"A bit, but I'll be fine; it was worth it to come out here." Without saying a word, the commander removed his cloak, draping it over my shoulders, the heavy material capturing every drop of heat my body produced, instantly warming me. "Thank you," I whispered.

"My pleasure."

We walked until we reached the wood, the trees that grew here taller and more ominous than the ones on Maslot, which never grew more than twice the height of the average man and bent in the breeze because of their thin stalks. They were more like giant blades of grass that, when chopped in half or punctured, could be used as a safe source of drinking water. The trees on the surface of Starkiller had trunks too wide to wrap my arms around, the bark rough to the touch, and I had to crane my neck to make out the tippy tops, the dark green of the leaves blending into the inky black sky.

After another few minutes of walking, we were out of eyeshot of the entrance to the indoor compound, which I realized was all underground, a metal planet with an earthy crust. Once completely concealed by dense foliage, Kylo Ren stopped, causing me to bump into his shoulder. 

"Is something wrong?"

He shook his head slowly, once to the left, once to the right, before bending down to kiss me. I stood up on my toes to make the journey easier for him, pressing my lips against his, my right hand sliding around the back of his head.

Pulling away from me suddenly, he whispered, "There's somewhere nearby, somewhere warm, can we go there?"

I nodded even though I had no idea what he meant; it's not like I had important matters to attend to that would keep me from following him. I didn't even know how to get back from here, and I didn't have a key to get back onto the lift. 

Ren knelt down in the center of an unnaturally perfect clearing, the trees lining the snowy circle in a perfect ring, and pulled a latch, revealing a hidden bunker. I followed him down the metal stairs, the only sound the tinny clanking of our heavy steps.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"It's a secret shelter in case the Resistance attacks while someone is above ground."

The room was small, the bed built into a shelf on the wall, same as the Breeder Barraks. A sheet covered the left side of the room like a massive, dusty curtain.

"Why are we here?" 

He seemed unsure of how to proceed, his brows pinched together with confusion, then even further with frustrations. "I want you to take off your clothes," he said, avoiding my eyes. "I've never seen you without them."

Breeder ~ A Kylo Ren FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now