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Up until the destruction of Evigilo, changes on Starkiller Base had been akin to a rock slowly tumbling down a hill, but, afterward, it was a sharp plummet into the abyss of repressive control. And, on top of the extreme changes to our routine and security, there was a sense that we could never go back to the way things were before. A door had slammed shut, and we were all trapped inside forever.

Voss- the blonde woman I'd dubbed the new Lynx back in the Breeder Baraks- joined us in the gestation suites, as did Vera- the motherly figure who acted as my welcome to the planet- but they'd both change drastically. Voss no longer gloated over procreating with a member of leadership and didn't seem happy to finally be pregnant. That kind twinkle in Vera's eyes was gone, replaced by a vacant stare.

My baby bump started to show much earlier than it did for Klint and Farrow and it weighed on me like a chunk of coal in the bowl of my pelvis. Similar to the necklace Ren had gifted me, with every step, every bite of food, I was reminded of him, of who he'd made me.

"Has he asked for me?" Lynx asked Grandmother Bee.

She was curled up in her armchair, which she did most days. After her speech, the harpies went easier on her, allowing her to take her meals away from the table and pass on the few activities we still attended. They drew the line when she began refusing to eat; eventually, they inserted a feeding tube to her nose. On her rail thin frame, her now swollen stomach only looked more prominent by contrast.

"No," Grandmother Bee said flatly, patting the girl's head. In the past few weeks, our caretaker had shown an odd affection for Lynx- one might even say she'd become Grandmother's favorite. "Your partners aren't allowed to take you out of the suites anymore."

"All of them?" Voss asked, no longing in her voice. In fact, she sounded relieved.

The old woman nodded gravely, looking around the room at all of the women sitting in chairs or cross-legged on the floor, but her eyes held mine for an eerily long pause. "No more visitors."

We only went to hear General Hux's speeches once a week, with a barrier of troopers surrounding us. I didn't know if they were worried about someone killing us or one of the Breeders running away, but either way, our security was excessive to the point of farce. A while ago, I might have made a snarky comment about the small army defending a few dozen pregnant women, but I didn't even consider it after Hux's successful genocide. All the snark had been leeched out of me, and out of Anika; we scarcely spoke anymore, let alone joked around.

The only thing that kept me from plunging into despair was my son. Even though the heaviness in my womb occasionally brought about a burst of depression when I thought of the world I was bringing him into, and what I had to go through to create him, he was ultimately my salvation. He had my blood and bone, he was Klint and Farrow's brother. He was mine and he'd always be mine. Whatever the First Order stole from me, they couldn't take away the essence I imbued him with.

As the weeks bloomed into months, more women gave birth, cycling back into the Breeder Baraks, and more women joined us in the suites, many brand new to Starkiller. I longed to ask them how things had changed for the outside world. What did the Rebuplic have to say about the destruction of Evigilo? How many believed the lies fed to the intergalactic press? But, of course, I didn't dare.

After another silent breakfast one day, Anika and I- as well as a few other girls about as far along as us- were collected by black-clad guards and brought down to the medical bay. My blonde friend clutched my wrist. I realized she probably had negative associations with this place.

"It's going to be alright," I promised her.

Anika shook her head slowly. "No, it's not."

"You're right, you're right..." I looked around, waiting for one of the men to chastise me, but they didn't, less strict than the harpies but somehow more terrifying. "Things aren't going to be okay, but I love you and I'll always love you, you know that right?"

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