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When we returned to Ben's apartment, I gave him his cloak back and peeled off my Breeder dress, not wanting to stay in that gross, sweaty garment. He fished through his dresser, digging to the very bottom of one of the drawers, pulling out a knit sweater for me to wear. It had grey and black horizontal stripes, small holes throughout where he'd pulled the wool threads, stretching them out. It was clearly well-loved, but I couldn't picture him wearing it, or anything other than his usual utilitarian uniform.

"Thank you," I said.

He smiled, pain behind his eyes. "I told you I'd give you one of my sweaters."

I tugged it over my head, pressing the collar to my nose, taking a deep inhale. "I love it so much. It's the first thing I've worn in months that I actually like."

Ben placed his hand over my stomach, the baby kicking as though he could sense his father, and maybe he could if Snoke's assessment of his force-powers was accurate.

"It's not to tight, is it? I want you to be comfortable."

"It's perfect." I rolled onto my knees, pulling him onto the bed with me. "You're so big, it fits perfectly."

"You calling me fat?"

Laughing, I shoved him back onto his pillows, straddling his waist. "Yes," I said, lifting up the hem of his shirt to run my hands over his abdominal muscles, fingers sinking into the dips. "You are very, very fat."

He chucked along with me, chewing on his full, lower lip. "Are you happy?"

"In general, or right now?"

"I mean, are you happy with what the Supreme Leader told us? That you can stay with me as long as you're on Starkiller Base."

"Yes..." I said, choosing my words carefully. "I'm happy to live with you instead of the gestation suites, but it won't be for much longer, right? You're going to get me back to Maslot before I give birth."

Ben trailed his hands up my thighs, the tips of his fingers skimming my bare skin. "Well, if you can stay with me, and we can raise our son together, then there's no reason for you to leave. You don't really need to go back to your home planet if we're a proper family, right?"

I climbed off his waist, backing away from him and folding my arms. "What?"

"You said you loved me, right? I know you love your... old husband, but it's not like you're just a Breeder to me. It's not like I'd ever let anything happen to you or use you just for your body. I'll love you forever, even when we're old, even when we can't have children anymore." He crawled towards me, caressing my cheek. "Don't you believe me?"

Swatting his hand away, I stood up, pacing back and forth. There were a million things I wanted to say. If I stayed, my son would become a weapon for the First Order, I wanted him to grow up with his brothers, I wanted to see the sun and breathe fresh air every day, but I didn't have the mental capacity to speak cogently, too full of rage and despair.

"I can't believe you could be so naive," I muttered.

"How am I naive?"

"You think your precious Supreme Leader allowed me to live with you out of the goodness of his heart? He knows if he gives you unlimited access to me, you won't try to help me escape."

He inched towards the edge of the bed, puppy-brown eyes shiny and sad. Feeling guilty for my harsh tone, I stopped pacing and took his hand in both of mine, bringing it to my lips to kiss his knuckles.

"This is just another way for him to control you. I need you to see that."

Tugging me onto his knee, he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist, burying his face in my neck, the stubble on his chin scraping my skin.

"I only see you, my love," he whispered. "The only thing I see is you."

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