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I didn't want to push Ben, he'd been doing so much better lately. I could hardly remember the last time he truly frightened me or made me feel unsafe, which was such a massive improvement since when I first arrived on Starkiller Base.

But, the days dragged on, and we didn't speak of another escape attempt, my family, or Snoke's manipulation of him. Food arrived for us through a hatch in his wall, three meals a day, plus snacks. With each ally the First Order lost or killed, the cheeses and breads and fruits we had access to dwindled. Now, as a rampaging force under the watchful dominion of General Hux, we had to rely mostly on staples and a few luxuries from plundered systems. But it was leagues better than what I ate in the gestation suites, and Ben didn't restrict when we dined or how much I consumed.

We made love from the moment we woke up, till he turned out the lights for bed. On Maslot, people don't have enough money to go on honeymoons, so Greyson and I still had to work the vegetable paddies after we got married, having sex at night and maybe again in the morning, but I never experienced anything like my days with Ben.

It shocked me how easily we slipped into these new roles. The dark-haired commander, a virgin when I first met him, didn't hesitate before sliding his fingers inside of me in the wee hours of the morning, joining me in the shower without asking, moving my pregnant body into the positions he learned he enjoyed.

As much as his eagerness surprised me, my own reciprocity was even more peculiar. Of course thoughts of my escape plagued me, but Ben's touch quieted them. For minutes or even hours on end, I'd start wondering if escaping was worth it. Would it be so bad to spend the rest of my days curled up in his arms, raising our son, and all our future sons?

Unless I had a daughter.

Anika's sister was killed when she got pregnant with a girl, and my best friend also died with a daughter in her womb. If I couldn't produce any more sons, who's to say the Supreme Leader wouldn't dispose of me? Ben might say he could protect me, but could he protect our children? Could he keep the son I carried from becoming a weapon for the First Order?

"Can we do something different today?" I asked.

"Like what?"

I rolled on top of him, our bare chests pressed together, pecking him on the forehead. "I want to go outside."

"To the surface?" He ran a finger through his long, sleep-tangled locks. "I don't know, baby..."

"Please?" I rocked back and forth on his pelvis, feeling him get excited beneath me. "I'll give you a present when we get to our special place."

"A present? What is it?"

Smirking, I climbed off him, stripping out of my sleep clothes and digging through his dresser for something warm enough for the snowy forest on the surface of Starkiller Base, aware of his eyes following me the entire time. He liked this- me playing coy- at least I hoped he did. I prayed he didn't prefer me acquiescing to his every whim.

I chose a pair of black long-underwear to use as pants and a dark purple sweater that came down to my knees. "I can't imagine you wearing this," I said with a chuckle. "When's the last time you didn't wear all black?"

Ben swaggered over to me, pulling on his underwear, reaching past me to grab a pair of pants of his dresser. "I used to all the time."

I touched his face, feeling the stubble on his jaw. He hadn't shaved recently. "You should wear color again."

He pursed his lips, rolling up my sleeves, which were about six inches too long, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. Giving me a smirk, he donned a burnt orange t-shirt before covering it right up with his black, uniform jacket.

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