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Things changed after Amma died, but I didn't notice them at first, my brain clouded with grief. Perhaps the guards were stricter with us, especially when transporting us to Commander Orion's speeches, and maybe there were slightly fewer activities outside the gestation suites, but that had been happening already over the past several weeks. 

What made me realize the change was my memory of Amma itself. I became obsessed with my meals, especially breakfast and supper, the big sit-down ones where I now sat next to a woman whom I didn't know the name of. Instead of attempting to make conversation surrounding one of the few topics the harpies allowed, I instead played out coded discussions I might have with the blue-haired woman if she were alive using the food in front of me. Rice represented me, eggs represented Kylo Ren, phrases like 'this is too spicy' or 'this is overcooked' referring to the tone or nature of certain interactions. But, a week after her passing, the menu began to change. Fewer cheeses and eggs and meats and more vegetables, plant-based protein, and it was all prepared with less salt and oil.

"It's because Amma went into an early delivery due to hypertension," Grandmother Bee informed us at a nutrition class, an afternoon activity that took the place of pool-time, which we rarely had on our schedules anymore. "Too much salt and animal-based products aren't good for you or your babies."

Anika looked over at me, rolling her eyes at that explanation. 

Ren came to see me once more, taking advantage over the harpies frayed nerves to steal me away from the suites. He took me in the opposite direction from the dining hall, stopping at the end of a long hallway to open a door to a private room.

"Can't we go back outside?" I asked, then, after hearing the whininess in my voice, added, "Please."

"Not today."

I nodded even though I didn't know what I was agreeing with, it's not like I had any say in what we did or where we did it. This knowledge made me deflate slightly, the corners of my mouth pulling down into a bitter expression. 

He saw this and placed a kiss on my cheek, then another on my temple. "We'll go another time, I promise."

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Can't I just want to see you?" 

"Well, you've seen me," I said, folding my arms. "You can take me back to the gestation suites now."

"Don't be smart with me."

I swallowed thickly, averting my eyes to the ground, not wanting him to see how incensed he made me. I wondered if he'd even heard about Amma, if the subject of a dead Breeder had been broached in leadership meetings. Considering how much emphasis had been put on our safety, you'd think they'd care that they'd lost a perfectly healthy woman as well as her baby. Maybe he didn't want to upset me. Or maybe he thought it would put a damper on what he really wanted from me.

Unable to take standing there in silence with him anymore, I grabbed Ren by the face, kissing him passionately. My suddenness caught him off guard at first, but then his arms went around my waist, pulling me flush against him. After a minute, I could feel his penis going hard against my thigh. At least one part of his was always honest.

"On here?" I asked, gesturing to the table behind me. It was quite similar to the metal slab I'd been inseminated on, but the idea of doing it on there didn't bring up any emotion- I didn't feel anything at all.

"You're very eager." He chuckled, then his smile vanished. "Or anxious to get this over with."

Rolling my eyes, I pushed him down onto the slab, unbuttoning his fly before climbing on top of him. "You are the single most paranoid person I've ever met."

"Am I wrong?"

He's your only way off Starkiller Base, Astrid. If you want to see Greyson, Klint, and Farrow ever again, you need him to take you back to that bunker, you need those escape pods. I shook my head, smiling as I lower myself onto him, his cock sliding into me, tugging slightly at the dryness of my vagina. "You're so wrong, my love."

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