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Flicking off his lightsaber, Ben let the handle clatter to the floor, clutching his wounded chest with a wince of pain.

I turned off the suction on the vent, sprinting over to him and throwing my arms around his neck. "Are you okay, my love? Are you hurt? Please tell me you're not hurt."

He slid his hands around my waist, burying his face in my hair. "I'm fine, Astrid, I promise."

But it was only when he squeezed my ass playfully that I believed him and released my death grip.

"I'm just sorry you had to see me do that."

I looked over at Orion's lifeless corpse. His left arm lay two feet to the side of him, his head resting in his lap. The heat of Ben's saber ensured there was no blood- the wounds fully cauterized, but it didn't make the sight any less gruesome. My mind instantly returned to plunging that sharpened chair leg into Lynx's stomach, the feeling of the life leaving her- the life leaving her son- the weight of her body as it fell on top of me...

"Don't look!" Ben practically carried me away from the vent and set me down beside the escape pod, resuming his frantic repairs. "I doubt he told anyone about coming here- probably wanted to be the lone hero- but we shouldn't take any chances."

He avoided my eyes, and I wished, yet again, that I could read his mind. Was he scared, did he feel close to death, or was he still embarrassed that Orion revealed his bloodline?

"These pods are too old to jump to lightspeed, so it will take you a while to get to Maslot," Ben explained hastily. "You'll need to go under; I'll hook you up with air and nutrients."

"Just so long as it's-"

"Hipoxy-free," he finished for me. "Yeah, I know."

We stood there, facing each other, before I flung myself into his arms, pressing my lips to his, determined to memorize the taste of him before I got into that pod. I wanted my hands to remember the slopes and planes of his body, the way his long hair slipped through my fingers as I attempted to grip it.

"We don't have time," he gasped against my mouth.

I reached between his legs, undoing his fly and rubbing his hardness. "Please."

He didn't take much convincing, lifting up my dress and pinning my body against the escape pod (careful as always of my baby bump), slipping inside of me. He fit easily, my vagina welcoming him like he belonged there, and I suppose he did. I could tell he wanted to let go almost right away, release inside of me, but he held off till he felt my walls tighten around him, a moan of ecstasy escaping my lips.

When he tried to pull out, I grabbed him by the back of the neck, keeping his body flush against mine. "Not yet, stay inside me a bit longer."

Ben smirked, sucking on my lower lip. "Should I count to a thousand?"

I giggled, digging my fingers into his scalp as he sucked happily on my neck. "I love you."

He traveled to my earlobe, nibbling gently before whispering. "I love you too. And I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?"

"I lied to you." He pulled back from my ear, ducking his head in shame. "I didn't tell you who I was-"

Pressing a finger to his full lips, I shushed him silent, holding his gaze with all the intensity I could muster. "I know exactly who you are, Ben; nothing that happened tonight changes that."

"And who am I?"

I stroked his cheek, running my thumb around his lower lip, shivering at its softness. "You're a good man. And- if this were a better world- you'd be the best father a boy could ever hope for."

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