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After a few minutes of tears, Ren stood up, met my eyes for a split second, before storming out of the room without a single word. Once he was gone, I could finally breathe again. My chest felt as though it hadn't fully inhaled since he banged on the door of the Baraks. 

With a bit of a struggle, I managed to open the door and step out into the hallway. Maybe I should know my way from this room to my sleeping quarters by now- I'd had to make the trek every day for a month, after all- but I was exhausted, traumatized, and confused, not to mention the fact that every hallway looked exactly the same. I took one random grey and black hall and hoped for the best. It only took a few minutes for me to realize I'd made the wrong decision, and now I was hopelessly lost. I would've asked someone for help, but I didn't pass anyone, except for droids. I'd seen more of them in my time on Starkiller than I had in my entire life on Maslot, and I certainly didn't feel comfortable enough to ask them for directions (could they even speak?), so I continued on my journey through the labyrinth of hallways.

Eventually, I heard voices around the corner, and I hurried to intercept them, but stopped short when I saw two Stormtroopers hauling a body across the floor. I hopped back behind the wall, praying they hadn't seen me. Had there been another execution? I covered my mouth to conceal my pants, forcing my breath out of my nose.

"She's like a fucking whale," one of the troopers said, voice distorted from his mask.

"Almost there. Stuff her in the hatch; they'll dump her this afternoon."

Her? It was a woman? I suppose women could be traitors too, it'd be sexist to assume otherwise, but something about how cruelly they spoke of her, this person who could be a mother, made me sick. 

I waited until I heard the trooper's boots stomp out of earshot before going to see what poor soul was getting shot out into space unceremonially today. When I saw the body, my blood turned to ice, bile rising into my mouth. Around her chubby wrist was a red band that read 'infertile'. She had the round cheeks of a jolly woman, heavy arms that must've held many squirming babies, and distinctive, electric blue hair. It was the breeder who'd been so kind to me, taken care of me when I had that horrible nightmare, and now she was dead. Worst of all, I'd never even learned her name.

Breeder ~ A Kylo Ren FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now