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Kylo Ren's POV

Rationally, I couldn't fault Astrid for having a private conversation with her friend, especially when she didn't know I could hear. But I wasn't a rational person. Snoke hadn't chosen me for my good logic, and it wasn't a characteristic he fostered in me. My blood boiled with rage; I could've sworn the very floor beneath my feet was melting.

"Kylo Ren," one of the pathetic engineers said upon seeing me enter his control room, giving me a shaky salute. "Do what do I owe the pleasure?"

"One of our Dreadnoughts changed course from Tarmoth to Colinine- I want to know why."

"Well, there are two main reasons," he said cautiously. "The first is, Tarmoth recently became occupied by Republic forces, making it impossible-"

I didn't let him finish, unleashing the wrath of my lightsaber on all the nearby machinery. More than destroying property, I did this so I could feel the fear, the despair, the confusion, and even hatred people experienced when they watched me. As much as I relished being able to cut things to pieces in a manner few men in the galaxy could, with a blade of pure heat, the knowledge that engineers were struggling to hold in their piss as they trembled around me was far better.

Once I finished, I turned around, pushing my hair out of my face, my glove coming back with droplets of sweat from my forehead. "And what was the second reason." I purposefully had not sheathed my saber, the glow of it tinting the technicians' pale faces crimson.

"Uh, well, we had orders directly from Supreme Leader Snoke to reroute all main, mobile units to Colinine to look for a map to the Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker."

After bashing up the control room some more, I'd made my way to the room where I could speak to Snoke via hologram. He never came to Starkiller Base, and I hadn't been able to leave since I was assigned a Breeder. Aside from small missions, this ice planet had been my home since construction was completed.

I took a knee, trying to control my breathing. He made me wait on purpose, I could tell. But this was not the time for unbridled rage; diplomacy was needed.

"Young Ren," a crackling, raspy voice said as the image of my master came into focus. I swear, every time we spoke, his shuddering blue image became larger. If you'd never known him in real life, you might think him a mighty giant. "What brings you to me?" he asked as if he didn't know my every thought.

"Our forces have been deployed to Colinine to look for Luke Skywalker-"

"A fraction of our forces have been sent to search for a map to Skywalker, yes."

"I must go, surely I must lead the mission."

He sat in silence for a moment, not just to assert his power over me, but out of... amusement? "How have you found your first breeder?"

I bowed my head out of respect, though I felt none for this disgusting practice. "It is as expected."

"This is an area in which the Sith out-thought the Jedi a thousand times over. Darth Bane created the rule of two to end in-fighting, but it left them powerless against the hoards of Jedi scum. Then, Darth Anmox had an idea, a brilliant idea, to take the children of those he deemed worthy, those who were powerful, strong with the Dark Side, loyal to him, and raise them to see only the Sith as their leaders." He settled into his holographic seat and I sighed, knowing this was his favorite monologue subject. "Of course, he followed the rule of two regarding taking an apprentice, but, at the same time, had a clan of loyal followers who spread their vines into the darkest reaches of the galaxy. And every Sith lord inherited his kingdom right down to Darth Sidious. And to this day, there are places still loyal to the dark, loyal to us in their very bones, and we will use them to overthrow the Republic." He paused, hands forming a temple. This was his final point, the only thing he wanted me to hear out of this whole fucking thing. "So I'm sure you understand why your place in our Breeder system is so essential."

"Of course, Supreme Leader, I understand," I said. "But is there no way I could-"

"General Hux was the child of my first apprentice," Snoke continued. "The woman he bred with was common, and Hux's power could not come close to yours. And yet, he is ruthless, cunning, capable of running Starkiller Base. Imagine how powerful a child you, heir apparent to Lord Vadar, might have with that woman-" He paused, his pale, gummy mouth tasting her name before he said it. "Astrid." The word slid out like a cluster of vipers.

"Yes, Supreme Leader."

"It's also always nice to remind people what the dark has that the light does not." He was almost finished with the discussion, I could tell, and I'd barely said a word. "For very long, the Jedi were banned from taking wives. To this day, the light side glorifies denying their passions and the desires of the flesh. But here, we do no such thing." He left out a wheezing laugh. "Have you enjoyed the nubile body we provided you?"

"Yes, very much Supreme Leader," I said through clenched teeth. It was hard to see the sessions I had with Astrid as an erotic experience. It was almost clinical, the process. If I were truly to give in to my wants, I'd likely kill her in the process. The whole thing felt like an exercise in restraint and suppression rather than passion and lust.

"I know you want to seek out Skywalker, to cut him down, and it's what I want for you as well, but give me a child first, at least one Ren, or you'll never leave the planet."

Then he was gone, leaving me to fall onto my back and scream into the emptiness.

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