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We decided to stay in the bunker overnight. I don't remember who suggested it, but either way, I was glad. As much as I preferred Ben's room to the gestation suites, it was still easy to get sick of the same walls, the same bathroom, the same bed- especially if you never left. I thought I knew monotony on Maslot. Waking up in our little hut, going out to farm the same vegetables, the weather hot and damp all year round. But at least I got to see the sun every day, go to market to buy fabric and lumber, see Klint and Farrow grow older with each passing month...

I pushed the thought from my mind, even as it caused tears to spring to my eyes. Soon my third son would be born, and I'd watch him age, watch his hair grow, and his eyes darken, and his teeth come in.

After pulling the blanket over us, Ben wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his face into my neck. Just before he dozed off, his hand reached up and instinctively cupped my breast.

Soon, life on Starkiller Base would be just like home.

In my dream, I was cold. This was unusual not just for a dream, but specifically one of mine. If I felt anything, it was usually warmth, the sun on my face, grass beneath my feet.

But, instead of those usual comforts, the wind whipped my hair around my face, making it difficult to see, and the cold cut through my skin like a thousand tiny pieces of glass. It was a wet cold, I realized, the air infused with ocean spray, nothing like the muggy swamps on Maslot.

Where am I?

"You're with me, Mother."

Shoving my hair out of my eyes, I peered through the dim light of dusk, seeing two figures ahead of me. One was Supreme Leader Snoke, shorter than he appeared on his hologram, but his face still ruined and terrifying. He had a clawlike hand on the shoulder of an eerily familiar young man.

He could be no older than eighteen or nineteen, tall and as a tree with lean muscle visible beneath his all-black ensemble. In the poor lighting- the wind making my eyes water- I almost mistook him for Ben, but then it hit me.

"Baby?" I whispered.

"I'm not a baby any longer."

His skin was fair, but not quite as pale as his father's, blended with my milky brown complexion. He inherited Ben's black locks, though they coiled just like Shawn's. He was almost as tall as his father, though not nearly as broad, at least not for a few years more. Unlike his half-brothers, he didn't take after me, only the barest hints of his mother in the shape of his nose. This was Ben's son through and through.

Except for the eyes. His eyes were not green like mine nor dark brown like Ben's- his irises were bright yellow and rimmed with red, the color and intensity of them piercing me right to my soul.

"But how-"

"I've trained him well, haven't I?" Snoke asked with a sinister grin.

"You fucking bastard, I'll kill you, Ben will-"

"I'm afraid Kylo Ren is in no position to do anything. After all, I can't have two apprentices, can I?"

My stomach rolled over, horror and disgust and grief and fear filling me all at once. What happened to the sweet boy I held in my dream meadow, the fetus that kicked when he felt his dad's hand on my belly?

"I don't have much of you left in me anymore, mother," my son said, igniting a lightsaber. Ben's, I realized, the blade red and crackling. "Not even my old name. Now, I'm only Darth Phadrien."

"That's not possible; there are no more Sith anymore. Snoke isn't one, and neither is your dad."

"And that's why I'd like to thank you for giving me such a gifted young man to mold into the future generation Sith. I can't wait to see what this next baby is capable of."

With a gasp of horror, I looked down at my round belly, seeing it writhe as some abomination thrashed around inside of me.

What have I done, what have I done, what have I done...

I awoke with a gasp of terror, my naked body slick with cold sweat, the baby kicking furiously- as if he could feel my fear. In my sleep, I'd rolled over to face Ben, our nosed mere inches apart, and I could see his dark eyes open, face pale as a sheet. It was impossible to discern tears from perspiration when I examined his face.

"Did you see-"

"Yes," he finished automatically. "I was there too."

I swallowed thickly, ashamed of myself for some reason. "What are we going to do?"

He looked past me, eyes settling on the escape pods over my shoulder, a sigh of resignation leaving his lungs. "I'm getting you off this planet and back to your family. Tonight. There is no other option."

I put a hand on his chest, feeling his heart thump against my palm. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

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