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Kylo Ren's POV

When the Stormtroopers came to collect me, I didn't bother putting up a fight. I sensed the soldiers' fear, their knowledge that I could easily cut through all eight of them without batting an eye, but they didn't have anything to worry about. If I wanted to escape, I already would have. But I stayed, and I'd have to face the consequences eventually.

They didn't bother touching Commander Orion's body; despite his Force abilities, he was still ultimately disposable.

The troopers paraded me through the halls of Starkiller Base, the journey from the hangar to Snoke's projection room long and humiliating. Or it would've been humiliating yesterday, back when my emotions were pliant and volatile. With Astrid gone, all the softness and emotional openness she worked to cultivate had vanished, my psyche ripped from the light and back into darkness. I wish I could say I missed the man I'd started to become over the last several months, but I didn't. The love, the lust, the grief, the tears I shed- it made me weak. Strutting down the planet's corridors, the eyes of every mechanic and translator on me, I felt nothing but cold, deadly rage, my determination sharpening it to a point.

I wasn't "Ben" any longer; I was Kylo Ren, the man I was always meant to be, and nothing would ever threaten that again.

As I passed through the double doors to face Snoke's judgment, I crossed General Hux's path, his face contorted with smugness. But when I returned his gaze blankly, never faltering, not a twitch or quiver in sight, his face fell, apprehension behind his pale eyes.

The Stormtroopers set me down in front of the flickering blue hologram, and I instantly fell to my knees. I kept my head lowered out of respect, not fear. Nothing could hurt me anymore, not without Astrid.

"So, the mighty Kylo Ren, commander of the First Order, and Master of the Knights sacrificed all of his loyalty..." Snoke leaned in, his glowing form hurting my eyes, the sound of his raspy breath physically nauseating me "...for the sake of a girl."

She wasn't just any girl.

"No, she wasn't," he said, responding to my thoughts. "She was the granddaughter of a fallen Jedi knight and a very fertile Breeder, though I don't have to tell you that."

My fists clenched at my sides.

"And now she's gone, along with her child- the Order's child- and there is no one suitable for you to procreate with." He sounded almost amused, though there was a sharpness to his voice- a hunk of chocolate with a blade hidden inside. "This was a test, young Ren, and you failed miserably. And for your transgressions, you must be punished."

Hearing an odd crackling, my head shot up. He was systems away, he shouldn't be able to control the Force from such a distance, but he could. Because he was stronger than me, and I was a fool to disobey him.

White-hot bolts of lightning coursed from his fingertips, hitting me square in the face. He didn't let up even as I flopped onto my back, twitching and writhing, screaming in pain. In fact, he never let up at all; I blacked out before I saw the end of my torture.

I awoke with something covering my face. Though it was made from soft fabric, it stung my skin anyway. I tried to remove it, only to feel someone restrain my wrist.

Peaking through the hole in my bandages, I grabbed the doctor by her throat, hauling her off the ground. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Please, sir, you need those to let your wounds heal."

Grunting, I released her. "Take me to the armory; I want a proper face mask made."

"Oh, that won't be necessary Commander, these wounds aren't permanent-"

I stood up, using the Force to feel my way around the room since I was mostly blind. "I don't care; I'm going to the armory."

"Sir, I don't believe you understand; you're face will be fully healed in a few weeks-"

With a flick of my wrist, I slammed her body against the wall, knocking her unconscious and probably cracking a few ribs, but I didn't pause, storming towards the lift and taking it down, down, down to the core of the planet. Everywhere I went, people stopped and stared, more than usual and with horror rather than fear. I liked it. I enjoyed their looks of premonition, their confusion about my what lurked just out of sight- if I even existed under these bandages.

This was what Darth Vader felt like. This was how his subordinates treated him. This is my destiny.

"Commander Ren?" our lead weapons specialist said upon seeing me, perturbed. "Is that you?"

"Yes, it is. And I have a task for you."

"What kind of task?"

Reaching onto his worktable, I scooped up a mold for a Stormtrooper helmet, turning it over in my hand. "Just do exactly as I say. Nothing more, nothing less."

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