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As soon as the doctors finished flushing out my bloodstream, they added a dose of medication to the IV that burned on the way in, but Ben clutched my hand, making the suffering easier to bear. Once they'd served their purpose, the commander dismissed the medical personnel, assuring them he'd stay to take care of me, and they knew better than to argue.

"You don't have to do this," I said. "I know you probably more important things to attend to."

He brought my knuckles to his lips, kissing them gently. "You are the most important thing in my life."

"I know it's only been a day, but I've missed you so much. I thought I wouldn't see you again, at least for a very long time."

"An asteroid belt couldn't keep me from you, let alone that old bird."

"I thought Grandmother Bee scared you," I said with a sly smile.

Ben leaned down, pressing his forehead against mine. "Nothing scares me except losing you. I know other things should frighten me more, that there are a million ways I could die tomorrow, either at the hands of some rebel or even the Supreme-" He stopped short before uttering the treasonous statement, swallowing thickly. "For the past two years, I've been trying to resist the pull of the light; any inkling of compassion filled me with rage and frustration. But you make me want to abandon the dark every second of every day, even when we're apart- especially when we're apart- yet I don't feel any discomfort. You make me want to be a better man, not just a more powerful one."

The light? He must be talking about the force, but I couldn't be sure of the precise terms. I wished my father could've taught me more as a child; I felt so woeful lost in Ben's world.

"I figured out the keypad code to get out of the gestation suites," I said, to cut the tension.

Visibly caught off guard, his dark brows pinched together, and he pulled back to face me. "Should that mean something to me?"

"Well, it might be helpful for our next-" I leaned in closer, whispering, "escape plan."

He ruffled the back of his hair with a large, pale hand, biting his lower lip. "I don't know kid, maybe we should hold off for a while." When he saw my horrified reaction, he shushed me, easing me back against my pillows. "Not forever, but we're both under a lot of scrutiny, especially me, so why don't we lay low for a bit, hm?"

"If we wait too much longer, I'll be too far along to make the trip."

Sighing, he smoothed his hand over my belly, brown eyes glazing over, and I could practically see the thousands of thoughts running through his mind, but then he jolted up in his seat. "I just felt something."


"I felt something in here." He gestured to my stomach.

"Oh, sweetie, that's the baby kicking." I put my hand over his, feeling the thumping rhythm at the same time as him. "He's very strong, just like his daddy."

Tears sprung to Ben's eyes, and he hastily wiped them away with his free hand. "I want to know him," he whispered. "I finally get the chance to be a better father than mine was, to raise a son and love him, and he's ripped away. It's not fair that I'll never even get to meet him, that he'll never get to meet me."

I debated my words carefully, not wanting to provoke him or give him any reason to keep me trapped on Starkiller Base. "Never is an awfully long time, my love. It might take a few years, but you'll see your son one day, I'm sure of it."

His jaw clenched, and I worried I'd said the wrong thing, but then he laid his head on my baby bump carefully, facing me. "In a week- exactly seven days- I'm going to cause a distraction and then cut the video feed in the gestation suites, giving you an opportunity to escape. Use the passcode and meet me by the lift. I'll get out off the planet, I promise."

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