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"Where are we going?" one of the girls asked as they lined us up in front of the metal double-doors.

It was a fair question; we hadn't done an activity outside the gestation suites in over a week, except for Commander Orion's speeches, which wouldn't happen for another few hours. I was close to the front, only one room-full of girls ahead of Anika and I, and I could see the harpies looked almost as perplexed as we did. 

"Where's Lynx?" I whispered to my friend while we waited.

"I have no idea."

The sound of an electronic beep and then the sliding of metal on metal cut our conversation off abruptly, and we were led out into the hall, a swarm of Stormtroopers surrounding us as we marched off to the main auditorium, making further discussion impossible. Maybe something bad had happened to Lynx; another dead Breeder would explain the enhanced security. There were practically more guards than girls for our short walk to hear Orion speak. I thought, if anything truly dreadful had happened, Kylo Ren would have found me and explained the situation rather than let me learn the dirty details with everyone else.

When we arrived at our destination, I saw the middle section, where the Breeders would normally sit, was taken up by an assortment of people I recognized as the intergalactic press, or at least the ones who had also attended the banquet several weeks prior. The women sat in the back, the troopers standing behind us since there were no more seats, but I suspected it served a double purpose- the soldiers looked quite imposing standing at attention, blasters clearly visible strapped to their backs and waists.

"What is this?" I hissed at a harpy.

The copper-haired guard narrowed her eyes at me, then feigned a smirk to hide the fact she didn't know anything more than me. "None of your concern, Astrid. Take your seat and all will be made clear presently."

She gave me a hard shove, and no matter how much I wanted to dig my heels into the ground and demand an answer, I knew it would be no use; she was right, I'd have my answer soon.

I was looking around for any sign of Lynx when the commander's voice cut through the silence: "We have exciting news." My head snapped in the direction of the stage and Orion. Behind him, the usual suspects, including Ren. Even though I sat in one of the very last rows, I could make out his face clearly, his eyes glued to me as I imagine they had been since I entered the room. "General Hux has returned from his mission on Evigilo, where he had great success."

Evigilo, I knew that planet, but why?

After a brief introduction for the benefit of the reporters (the rest of us were well aware of the pale man's titles and "accomplishments"), Hux took the podium, obviously relishing his return to his old position. "For many years, the First Order has been developing a weapon, one we've worked to conceal from the Republic because we know they'd do everything in their power to destroy it. But now it's too late, we've created the most destructive force in the galaxy, and we plan to use it to keep all the systems in line. No more will leave under the radical and false notions of 'freedom' and 'equality' the abhorrent Resistance." He paused for applause, which the guards and Breeders supplied, the press clapping along half-heartedly. "The sacrifice we made was tragic yet necessary, but don't take my word for it, listen to an Evigilian native, my wife, Lynx."

The Breeder Hux referred to as his wife stepped forward, her hair in two intricate braids, a white flower pinned to her temple to match the white dress she wore, color distinctive against her dark skin, the billowing sleeves made her look especially angelic. When she looked up from her feet, the light caught her eyes, and they reflected back pure silver. That's when it hit me- unlike most densly-populated planets, Evigilo wasn't a melting pot of different alien races, it was predominantly home to one group of people: the Vigilax.

"Several days ago, the authorities on my home planet were given a simple choice: swear fealty to the First Order and Supreme Leader Snoke or die." Lynx spoke rigidly, as though reading from a script, except for the slight tremor in her voice as her lower lip quivered. "They declined to support the new order facing the galaxy, and their destruction was swift and comprehensive; there were no survivors."

Whispers flooded the room, and I joined them, leaning in to ask Anika, "How could there be no survivors."

"Evigilo is a small planet, even smaller than Starkiller Base, perhaps there weren't many people to kill."

"No, it's not possible, not unless..." 

"They have another Death Star."

"A what?"

She looked around, but no one was paying them any mind. "That's the weapon the Empire used thirty years ago, it's what they used to destroy Alderaan."

I didn't know what to say. I knew Emperor Palpatine wreaked havoc on the galaxy, but I didn't know he possessed the power to blast planets out of the sky. It wasn't something they taught us on Maslot, but of course they wouldn't, not while the First Order had us under their thumb. 

"I mourn my fallen people," Lynx continued, a hush falling over the crowd once again, "but I know that they died for a greater cause, one I am fully committed to. All hail the First Order."

The Stormtroopers all saluted the podium, General Hux coming to stand beside his Breeder, putting a hand on her barely visible baby bump. Lynx flinched before putting a hand over his, smiling faintly. It was a bizarre portrait; she wanted to seem happy to support the Order and the father of her unborn child, but the grin- after such a grizzly geneocide- was ghoulish. 

Gooseflesh erupted on every inch of my exposed skin, tears pricking my eyes. For the first time since Hux started speaking, I looked at Kylo Ren. His gaze had drifted to Lynx, but as soon as he felt my stare, his eyes locked onto mine and he nodded a single time. 'Wait,' it told me, 'I'll find you.'

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