chapter 3

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Luna's Pov
I landed on my bottom with my arms on the ground to prevent my head from hitting it as well. I looked up and saw a lady with a mean look on her face. Lucas rushed to help me stand up." Watch where you're going, servant." She yells at me. I had no idea who she was, but she was pretty and mean at the same time.

I didn't know to do but apologize, I don't know her so the safe thing to do is just not to cause trouble." I'm sorry." I said bowing to her respectfully before she walked off annoyed. When she was far enough away, I asked Lucas. " who is she?" I "Park Jane, the emperor's most favored concubine. " He explained making me nod my head in understanding. "Don't tell her this but pretty much everyone in the palace hates her, she is so annoying." I chuckled quietly." I'll keep that in mind when I run into her again." I said with a smile as he continued to show me around. 
We are currently outside the palace in the gardens when I saw a man well dressed in a pavilion alone

"Lucas do you know who that is?" I asked pointing at the man not facing us. "Stay quiet, this is the emperor's private relaxing area." He said in a low voice. "Then, why are we here?" I asked in a whisper." To show you where you cannot go at certain times." He says as we watched the emperor stand there." Does he come here often?" I asked. "Every day at this time he comes and just thinks from what I can guess, " he says tilting his head to the side. "Maybe we should go, I wouldn't want to disturb him," I said, and Lucas nodded his head. I looked at the emperor's back once more before following him.

Won Youngbae pov
This life is long, hard, and lonely, I don't get how my father did this. True I have been emperor for a few years now, but it feels like the time has not seemed to make things any easier. My job as the ruler and leader is to lead my county and its people into the future. Whenever I seem to be getting closer, something always happens that pulls me back. Royal affairs, war, family issues it's like there is always something pulling me back to where I began years ago. Doing this job every day has made me come to appreciate my father, the late emperor, more. To me, he was a hero, able to do many things at once and find time for his family. I constantly wondered how he was able to do such a stressful and conflicting job. It wasn't until he was on his deathbed, he told me the secret to his life as a emperor.
I was 19 and he held both my and my mother's hand as he held onto his last moments of life. "Youngbae-ah you are my only child; my only son and I was blessed to have you. I'm sorry, I couldn't teach you everything you need to know to be emperor, but you are smart and young so I trust you will be able to figure it out." He says my mother and I both had tears in our eyes seeing the strong man we once knew fighting his final battle with his greatest enemy. He had been fighting himself for about a year now and it was finally coming to the end, sadly the great emperor Won of the time is going to lose this one. "Son I will tell you the only way I survived this long is all because of you and your mother." He says looking between the two of us. " us, how?" I asked. " you two were my biggest supporters and my willpower to go on. I cannot leave this world without telling you both how much I love you." His words made us struggle even more to let him go. He was the best father I could ask for. Yes, he was hard on me but that was because he wanted to prepare me for this world. "Youngbae I want you to take care of your mother and respect her. This is what I wish for you. And dear I hope you will help our son be the great emperor he can be one day." He says kissing my mother's hand one last time. "Youngbae heed my words, having something to fight for makes this world worth living on, and I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be my family." He says before his eyes froze over and he stopped breathing. My mother fell to her knees and cried her eyes out, I shut his eyes and hugged my mother tightly as she cried unable to let a tear fall from my own. I had to be strong for both of us and now my country, my crying would have to be in private.

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