chapter 15

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Luna's Pov

I whispered softly to myself in a foreign language to keep my mind occupied. Though I used a low voice, They heard me." Are you a witch?" Someone shouted. I opened my eyes and death glared the one who said that." Are you not going to answer me?" He said. "Do you want me to be quiet or speak?" I asked and chuckled cause I made a point. "Okay, smarty tell us what are you doing?" The guy who was sitting across the room said. "I am practicing," I said simply. "Practising what?" One of the women asked. " the language of Sohwa." I clarified. "Why are you practicing that?" She asked. " As a scholar and advisor to the emperor, I find it useful to be able to communicate with royal affairs. So whenever foreign politicians come here I can communicate well with them." I explained simply continuing to repeat things I have learned in my head." You're pretty smart, and here I thought the emperor 's only use for you was pleasure." One said and that comment annoyed me. "For your information I have never slept with the emperor, you ill minded criminal," I said angrily but they just chuckled. "The emperor looked infuriated when I grabbed you in front of everyone. You may not have slept with him yet but... or do you plan to never sleep with him. You are just playing him. "I would never play the emperor you crook, as for my relationship with him and my intentions to sleep with him is none of your business," I said angrily and my tone surprised them all. "Man, the emperor loves a feisty woman." A man says walking over and grabbing my chin. "If I were you I'd move that hand if you don't want it detached from your body later, " I said seriously and I knew he could feel my sincerity because his hand flew away. "So I have spoken now it's your turn, why did you kidnap me?" I asked simply. "To hurt the emperor as simple as that, " one answers. "And why do you want to hurt the emperor so badly?" I asked. "Because he doesn't deserve his crown, neither did his father or his father's father. " someone says with a bitter tone. "So you all are simply jealous of the emperor ?" I asked. "No, we are not. you see we work under Sir Arnald Cecere, a man who truly deserves to be the emperor of our great nation. however, when his family lost their chances at power to the Won clan who took over the throne long ago after a horrible battle. In that battle, sir Cecere's great-great-grandfather was murdered by emperor Won's and when the battle was over with, Won took the throne." Someone explained. "So when the man was very weak, the old emperor Won killed him?" I questioned. "The Cecere's have no weak moments." A woman says making me look at her. "So he was disabled or something was wrong with him that made him not be able to kill the old emperor Won?" I asked but they said nothing. "If he was well in all conditions it was not murder, it was simply defeated on fairgrounds," I explained to them. I saw some beginning to think. "It doesn't matter, the Won's still do not deserve the throne." The same woman as earlier shut down the idea and others followed. She stepped to me and bent down. "Your great emperor Won is worthless and we will not let him live," she says but her words brought a knowing smile to my face. "You seem like a very loyal follower of Sir Cecear, no?" I asked her. "Of course," she says proudly. "Am I right to assume you were behind the attack on the emperor and I awhile ago going to the east wall?" I asked. "Correct again." She says. "But tell me how does kidnapping me help you get to the emperor ?" I asked. "You will simply bring him to us if he truly wants you he will come to find you. And that is when we attack," she says expecting victory. "When he does come you know he will bring an army with him, can all of you truly defeat them?" I asked but they said nothing. "Okay let's say you succeed will you let me ?" I asked. "I was thinking I keep you to myself beautiful. " a man behind me says. "Only in your fantasies. Anyway, way lady you are very obviously in love with Sir Cecere. Pretty, young, passionate, and loyal I could tell but your plan will not work I can tell you now." I told her complimenting her efforts.

"Silence her now." She commands and they all began to do as she says confirming she is in charge here. They quickly forced something Into my mouth and I swallowed it but nothing happened. " so Sir Cecear ordered this attack?" I asked figuring out what they put in me. " yes now shut up. " the woman says angrily. After a few moments, I blacked out. I couldn't see, hear, or move everything was dark.

Youngbae's POV

I put all my work aside to find Luna and nothing will stop me. I don't understand how they were able to just vanish in front of my men. I was in my room thinking when my mother walked in. "Youngbae-ah will you please take care of yourself?" She asked for the hundredth time and I ignored her. "I know now you are worried about Luna, I am too. But if you constantly push yourself, eventually you will push yourself over the edge." She says sitting down next to me. "If that is what it takes to save her so be it," I told her worried. "You know Luna would hate for you to hurt yourself to save her yet you will do it anyway." she says. " mother you can scold after I find Luna." I told her hoping she will leave me be to keep searching. "im sorry dear but I refuse to let you go on without eating or sleeping. lay down." She commanded and after a bit of resisting, I finally did and almost instantly fell asleep. I was so tired running on worry and anger that once I stopped I crashed. I slept for a few hours until my hunger woke me up. I was fed then back to work and it was frustrating because I started to think horrible. Like if I don't find her, she will hate me, she could die, the man who took her he could hurt her. He could have raped her and she had no one to save her. The last thought was the final straw I stopped everything and gave an order. "All men set off and find scholar Luna, the first one to find her will be rewarded handsomely," I announced sending every man in my palace to look.

A day passed and nothing from anyone and I was angry. Men stood in my throne room empty-handed. "How can you not find a simple bandit!" I shouted at them angrily. " I thought I hired the best of the best but apparently not!" I shouted. Just as I was about to speak again a guard rushed in pass everyone. "Your majesty I found her!" He says tiredly. "Where is she?!" I asked becoming anxious. The guard was Luna's friend Lucas and he looked so tired. "She has been missing for 3 days and you have had the town on lockdown meaning no one could get on or out. That meant it was impossible for them to escape with Luna." He said. "There was only one assassin." I reminded him. "Yeah to make an easier escape from the palace with what they need, Luna. When they disappeared, they were smart to go to a place in plain sight to us. That made us assume they would be stupid to hide there, with us thrown off it was perfect." He explained but I still don't know the location. "The old home not too far from the palace. I had seen them with my own eyes." He says and I know he would not lie about something like this. With that it was time. "Men hear my orders. When we arrive, if anyone attempts to stop us from getting scholar Luna back. You may either capture them. Or kill them I don't care." I said knowing was getting my love back.

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