chapter 16

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After what felt like a few hours my senses seemed to have come back too me. "How? How did I get here?" I asked myself completely baffled of how I returned to the palace. I looked around and realized I am in my bedroom, in the palace, alone. "It is impossible I dream it," I looked around assuming everything will disappear and I will truly wake up. I will open my eyes and I will be back in that abandoned house, tied up, surrounded by people who want to harm the Emperor. My thoughts were stopped when I heard Liluo's voice. "My lady you are awake, lay down you need rest, " she says rushing over and gently pushing me back down to my bed. I felt her touch so it is real but how. " Liluo when did I get here, how long have I been unconscious?" I asked holding her hand. "My lady they found you two days ago, and you had been missing for 3 already." She says. "I have been unconscious for 4 days, whatever they gave me was very strong," I said to Liluo. "My lady I have to go for a moment please stay and rest I will be back." She says before she hurries out.

20 minutes have passed and Liluo has not returned. I began to worry so intended to go find her on my own. I struggled to get up but made it. I just woke up not too long ago so I am still a bit not together but I have to get up. I finally stood up but only got a few steps before I fell to my knees weakly. "Luna!" I looked up and saw the Emperor in the doorway with Liluo and a royal physician behind him. "Your majesty? What happened how did I get here?" I asked when he rushed over and helped me get up. "Liluo told you to rest, why didn't you listen to her?" He asked helping me back to my bed. "She had been gone for a while and I started to worry so I wanted to go find her and make sure she was okay," I explained laying back down back down. He took a seat on my bed in front of me. "You have been through a lot recently and the best way for you to get better is to rest okay?" He says taking my hand and holding it tightly. I nodded my head slowly agreeing to obey. " It amazes me how despite you beeing in youre current state, you worried for Liluo. Anyway, I had the royal physician's prepare medication for you in care of anything." He says grabbing the small bowl on the tray Liluo held. "I am sorry your majesty but I do not have much of an appetite," I said not wanting to be fed by the Emperor in front of so many people. "Luna you have not eaten for at least 2 days you must eat something for your health." He insisted but when I looked around at all the people watching us I grew uncomfortable.


I see Luna's eyes look at all the people in the room, yes they know about our relationship but Luna is not full use to it yet. "everyone, leave, I want to be alone with her for now." I ordered. "Yes, your majesty." everyone says before they leave. When Liluo closed the doors I turn back to Luna who didn't look at me. "now will you eat?" I asked holding up a spoon of soup to her mouth. she nodded her head but when I put the spoon closer she stopped me. "your majesty, I can feed myself." she says trying to reach for the bowl but I refused not knowing why she would not let me feed her. "why won't you let me feed you?" I asked holding the bowl out of her reach. " your majesty... I...I don't know." she confessed looking back down. "are not feeling well?" I asked placing my hand on her forehead to see if she had a temperature. " I feel fine I just can't explain it." she says disappointed in herself. "could it be that you are angry with me?" I asked and she looked up. "what?" she says afraid. "are you angry I let you be taken and that I couldn't find you for 3 days?" I asked her feeling very guilty. " no that is not." she tried to say but I was not very easy to handle in this state." I should have worked harder and found you sooner than you would not have suffered so much." I said feeling horrible with myself but before I could speak again I felt her arms wrap around my neck. " your majesty, I am not angry with you if anyone should be blamed for this it's me. Had I not lost focus when you came to stop the assassin I would not have been taken." she says and now I know why she really is upset. she fees weak that she could not stop herself from being captured. I saw a tear roll down her cheek after she was able to admit her true feelings. I placed my hand her cheek softly and she held it there with her eyes closed. "don't worry I will never let anything happen to you ever again, I promise." I told her pulling her to my chest, my eyes were closed and I felt her move my hand from her face and kiss my palm. we were silent for a while and by the time we moved her soup had gotten cold. I made her lay down before I called for someone to bring her something new to eat. I watched her eat till I had to go to a meeting. "Luna I will come to see you later, make sure you rest well okay?" I said she simply nodded her head. I kissed her lips and it lasted for a while because I didn't want to let her go.

The only reason we pulled back other than the fact that I had to go was my mother had walked in. " Did I disturb something she asked taking a seat next to Luna while her lady in waiting put something down on the table. " I will see you soon," I told Luna before I left.


I watched the Emperor leave before his mother grabbed my hand with a smile. " Now that you have returned I do not have to worry about our Youngbae." she says rubbing it softly. "our?" I asked not understanding why she said his name like that. " yes our, it is obvious you two will marry eventually and I fully support. That means I will have to share my Youngbae." she explained. "Your majesty is it not too early to say how things will play out?" I asked shy over the thought of being the Emperor 's wife. It made me feel better knowing I would be his one and only wife. "Are you have different feelings?" she asked making me wake up from my thoughts. " huh? no that is not what I meant. I mean you and the Emperor both seem so sure of how things will play out, how can you all be so sure of it?" I asked and she smiled. "I know the looks he gives you. Those looks are unmistakable. The look that you are the most precious thing in the world, the look that if he lost you he would die of sorrow. He has never given another woman that look before and I know he never will as long as you are alive." She says with a gentle smile thinking of it. "does this really make you that happy?" I asked her happy as well. "he reminds me so much of his father when I see him happily in love with you the way we use to be." she says as a silent tear rolled down her cheek. "your majesty, the great Emperor Won before raised a wonderful man, you did as well." I complimented and it made her smile with tears. " I am not sad, I just miss him so much sometimes. When I see you and Youngbae I hope you two live the happy life you can have. I just wish I could see my Emperor again, have him hold me in his arms, tell him I love him." she says weakly I just hug her and rub her back. "Luna there will be struggles but please promise you will stay by his side," she asked I simply nodded my head knowing of what I am getting myself into. The Empress mother left a while ago and I felt strong enough to walk around. Liluo and I went for a walk after I dressed in something.

I took a walk alone, happy to be home, yes I consider this place my home now. My friends are here as well as people who treat me like family. While walking I headed to a corner when I heard two voices talking. Normally I wouldn't care and would walk past but they were speaking about me. "do you think the Emperor will truly leave her?" one asked. They were both concubines. "lady zheng I am telling you, knowing she is used will only make him hate her." lady Jeon says cockily. A beautiful lady but a loose tongue she has. " how can you even be so sure if that happened?" lady Zheng asked. she was much younger than lady Jeon.

" A guard told me when they arrived there were in the middle of raping her while she was blacked out and couldn't do anything to stop them. "lady Jeon says and lady Zheng gasped. "That is horrible, why would they do that to such an innocent person?" she asked feeling bad for me. Is this true, was I raped while I was unconscious? why do I not feel any pain from it? I asked myself feeling my body worriedly. "but this is not her fault, why would the Emperor hate her?" lady zheng asked. "No, but say she gets pregnant from her raper, and she keeps the bastard child. The Emperor would be furious." lady jeon explained. My eyes grew at the possibility I had no idea about, but if they found me while I was being raped why did the Emperor not tell me? I don't know what to think but I want to know if it is true.

I ran to the Emperor 's room and walked in before I was announced. The Emperor was looking over scrolls when I got in and looked up surprised to see me. "Luna what are you doing out of bed I told you I will come to see you." he says getting up to take me into his arms like always but I stepped away from him ." what is the matter?" he asked. " is it true?" I asked not knowing what else to say. " is what true?" he asked confused by my question. "is it true that the night you find me, my kidnappers were in the middle of.... in the middle of rapping me?" I asked bursting into tears before he can answer me. instead of saying yes or no he asked me a question. "who told you this?" I cried harder and moved away from him.

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