chapter 14

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Luna's Pov

A bit later in the month

My 22nd birthday is only 7 days away and I am very nervous. The emperor has said nothing about our agreement since the night we made it but I can not stop thinking about it. I don't know anything about what you are supposed to do in bed. I walked down the hall with Liluo when we bumped into lady Jane. "Hello, lady Jane." I greeted her kindly not wanting any drama. I noticed she looked a bit different, she had gained a bit of weight. "Scholar Luna." She said bowing slowly. "Are you feeling unwell? You do not look as you normally do. Or am I seeing things?" I asked her I saw a slight smile grow on her face. " no scholar Luna I am just fine. I just got over a small sickness." She claimed I simply nodded my head and excuse myself. I walked into the palace library to look at some scrolls for a new rule suggesting I intend to make. When I arrived, there was a maid looking around. "What are you doing?" I asked, my sudden appearance surprised the person and they dropped everything they were holding. "What are doing? why are you making a mess in here?" I asked going over and helping pick things up. "I'm sorry madam the emperor requested I bring him something to read." The servant woman said. I looked at the scrolls she had grabbed and they all were in Navy blue silk covers. "Why did you pick these?" I asked noticing her odd choices in scrolls. " um, I liked the color. " she said awkwardly. I knew she was lying so I have to tell the emperor. "Well I am going to see the emperor right now I will that them to him," I said taking the scrolls from her leaving the room before she can try and stop me. As I walked out I noticed a few guards outside the library just standing. They noticed I was holding the scrolls and tried to act normal. Walking slowly away to keep an eye on them, I found a few guards I recognized. "Pardon me, men, I have to ask you a favor." " yes, Scholar Luna?" one asked bowing too me. " Those two guards over there, and the made that is still in the library, are up to something. Can I ask you to keep an eye on them? Also, can you make sure she doesn't bring out anything from the library." they bowed and walked away.

I arrived at the emperor 's office and greeted him respectfully. After I dismissed Liluo I placed the scrolls on his table. He looked up at me confused. " what is all this for?" He asked picking one up and opening them up. "I caught a servant woman sneaking around the library looking for these. She claimed you asked her to bring you something to read." I explained. "Strange, why would a palace servant woman be looking for maps of the empire?" He asked confused. "I'm not sure but I asked some guards to keep an eye on her and two other guards who looked suspicious," I said bowing to him about to leave and let him continue his duties. "Wait come here." He says and I obeyed. He took my hand and pulled me into his lap. "Luna, your birthday is only 3 days away, tell me what would like for a gift?" He asked before he kissed my lips gently. "Your majesty I do not wish for a physical gift," I said but he stopped me. "No, you deserve anything you want." He says hugging my waist. "Well, I don't really want anything. If anything truly I wish I could see my mother again one day." I confess wanting nothing else in the world. "I see, would you like for me to bring her to the palace?" I shook my head heavily. "No, she would refuse if she had to leave my father alone. "Then I will get you something different. " he says I simply nodded my head knowing even if I said no a million time he would still get me a gift." Luna have you been thinking of what we will do on your birthday night?" He asked cautiously. I rested my head on his shoulder and nodded my head. "Do you still wish to follow through with it?" He down Into my eyes. "Though I am still afraid I think I am ready," I said a bit shy. "I promise to make your first time very special," he says I saw the passion and love in his eyes. Instead of nodding like always I kissed him. Our lips wrestled for a while before I felt him growing a bit on edge. I didn't want to make him suffer more so I ended it. To be truthful I didn't want to stop either but something still scares me.

Youngbae's POV

I knew she stopped because she felt me grow needy for pleasure. No, I don't want to stop but I can not do something that can make me lose her. I felt her start to stand but my body moved on its own. Before I could really think my hands grabbed her by her waist and forced her back down to my lap. I held her waist tightly as I felt the pain of my own desire. She was torturing me so much but I was not upset with her for doing so. I don't intend to harm her and after a second I let her go. "Your majesty are you alright?" She asked feeling bad about what she had done to me. "Don't worry, this is nothing I can't handle, but I'll tell you now. After your birthday, you will be required to fix this problem every time you cause it." I said lustfully her face was so readable but if I didn't end this pain soon I would lose it. "Well, I will be leaving now your majesty," she says bowing to me before she left my office. When she did, I took a deep breath tried to control myself.

Luna's POV

I hate that I make the emperor suffer so much, however in 2 days that will change. It's getting dark out and I was walked back to my room. When I walked near, I heard Liluo speaking in tears. "Let me go now, there is nothing in this room you can take." She said it meant someone who should not be there is. I saw guards coming near and signaled them to bring more. I walked in and saw a man in all black cornering Liluo with a weapon. "Get away from her!" I shouted before I kicked him hard in the back making him bend forward. I rushed past him then kicked him in the stomach forcing him to back away from me as I stood between him and Liluo now. "Help! There is an Assassin!" I shouted to alert everyone. He tried to attack us but I fought him off and grabbed his weapon. Finally, help arrived and on the front was the emperor who is more than angry. "You, how dare you attack someone in my palace?" He says angrily, the man said nothing but made a move. Because the emperor had come to my attention had shifted and he was able to catch me off guard. He grabbed my hand took the weapon, pulled to his body and held the blade to my throat. The men were going to attack but the emperor stopped them. "Are you crazy he could harm Luna." He says angrily. " come near and she dies." The man was able to escape with me.

Youngbae's POV

I had finally gotten myself back together when someone bursts into my office. "Your majesty there is an Assassin in scholar Luna's room!" He reports. I got up instantly and rushed to Luna's bedroom. When I arrived, Luna seemed to have the tables turned on the Assassin. However, I had gotten her attention and she was taken hostage by the man. When he was able to get her out of the palace, I sent out every guard to find them. However, all night they could not find them.

Luna's POV

He took me to an abandoned house in a town not too far from the palace but I was not found right away. When we arrived, there were other men waiting inside as well as some women. I was tied down to a seat and left isolated for a while. I hate this but I know panic will only make it worse. I intend to get out of here in one or 3 ways. Opposition 1 the emperor will find me and save me. Opposition 2 escaped here on my own. Or opposition 3 I die here. More likely number 2 but whichever comes first, if I'm going to get out I need to be calm and think.

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