Chapter 27

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I had not been able to sleep that night but I was not the only one, in the middle of the night, a knock came to my door. I got out of bed and opened my door to see Liluo standing there awake as well. "you too?" I asked and she could only nod. I let out my hand and she took it before she followed me into my room. ", what do we do. He knows where we are, he will come after us." She says worriedly. "How do you know that? for all we know, he could have gotten over me as I did him." I suggested to make her feel better but it didn't work." The way he reacted when he saw you was not much a sign that he is over you ." She pointed out his reaction and it was a fair point. "okay, so what." I said and she looked surprised. " have you not been listing me?" she asked. "Liluo have you forgotten where we are?" I asked and she shook her head still confused." We are not in his Empire anymore, yes, he found us but that does not mean he can force us to return with him." I reminded her and she suddenly felt relieved. "You are right, I forgot about that." she said with a smile. "Feel better?" I asked she simply nodded her head and hugged me. "Now go to bed, it has been a tiring day for all of us." "Okay." She got up and left and I was alone to my thoughts again.

Empress mother

I laid in my bed thinking of my grandson. I feel bad for thinking this but ever since he was born, he has never grown to look like neither of his parents. He is a handsome young boy but I see no similarities from neither Lady Jane or Youngbae. I have always felt this but there is no way to tell what is truly going on with him. He is a charming boy, very sweet and gentle, I admit I fell for his charm as he grew older. That is what makes it hard for me to keep a light heart when I think of him. However, tonight when I saw Luna's child, the resemblance was undeniable.

"what do I do?" I asked myself out loud. "do about what?" I was surprised and shoot up to see my son at my door in his sleep clothes. "Youngbae, shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked him as he walked over to my bed and sat down beside me. " Mother, I don't know what to do with myself." He says. "What's wrong?" "mother I can't get her out of my head. All I can think about is her and her child." He says stressed over current events. "My dear, besides her child I would like to know when you were not thinking of Luna all these years." I reminded him. "Point taken, but I don't know what to do. Now that I know where she is, I don't want to leave here without her." She explained. "Youngbae, if Luna were to come back with us, what would you do?" I asked him curiously. "I don't even know mother. I spent all my time trying to find her, I have not thought of how to get her to come home." He confessed. "I want you to remember back in the past when Luna was with you. How she wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful life with you. If she were to come back, can you be sure you can give her that?" I asked him making him think really hard. "Yes I can and I will." He says confidently but I shook my head. "Your wrong dear. You can't give her such a life." "What do you mean I can't? Why can I not?" He asked angrily thinking I didn't have faith in him. "Youngbae, you must remember that you are the Emperor of a nation. Millions of people depend on you, one good thing about Luna was she understood that and accepted it. That kind of woman does not come around often in this day and age." I reminded. "mother, this is the last thing I need. More things I lost and can't get back unless I convince her." He says frustratedly. "I think I know how to get her son to follow you to Won," I said and his eyes lit up with hope. "How?"


"I know what you looked like when you were young. And her boy is almost an exact copy of you as a child. I firmly believe her child is yours." She says. "B..but Luna said the child's father was dead. That he died before she even knew she was with child." I reminded her but she shook her head slowly. "I have a feeling there is more to this story and if not she simply lied to prevent you from trying to get back into her life." My mother says and it made sense. "How do we prove it?" I asked knowing that looks themselves could not be the one thing I could fight over. If that was the case I would have spent all these years fighting with Jane over our son who in my eyes doesn't look much like me. "We have to get Luna to admit he is your child. If we can get her to do so, we can convince the child to come with us and his mother will follow." My mother says and it was a smart plan with one problem. "Mother, Oden is huge. How will we find them now?" I asked? "You are right it is huge but you have to think logically. At the festival, there were a lot of people and Luna is not a person to travel so far for such events. Our best chances of finding them are in this city." My mother explained and she was so smart. "Then tomorrow we begin our search," I said finally being taken over by tiredness. "Yes, now go to bed. You have had a very eventful day." My mother says kissing my forehead before sending me off.

Fate's PrisonersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora