chapter 19

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I watched the gates if the palace disappears and become the forest around the carriage. "Can't you just tell me where we are going?" I asked. "No, then it wouldn't be a surprise." He says simply making my anxious movements halt." Oh please." I beg but not one word. "Fine but how long till we get there," I asked hoping for a small hint. "Sadly not within today's sunlight but it is very worth it." He says. "Well if we will be here for a while, what do we do in the meantime?" I asked. "How about a game?" He suggested. "What kind of game?" I asked. "You describe something and I try to guess what it is." He says and I was interested. "What do we get if we win?" I asked. He said nothing puckered his lips. "Hump, how is that a prize?" I asked crossing my arms and legs with a cute sass. "Do you know how many women would kill to be kissed by the great emperor Won?" He said with a cocky but joking voice. "But I am not other women for a very special reason," I explained simply. "And what is that?" He asked. "I, unlike other women, can get your lips whenever I want," I said cockily as well. "You!" He says but I only laugh at his defeat.

We road for hours before we took a short break at a small pond. While the horses were cared for, the emperor and I decided to stretch our legs. "Luna be my wife." he says suddenly and I lost my words for a moment." I swear you can make any girl speechless with how easily you speak." I said the moment my thoughts were back together. "is that a no?" he asked and I replied quickly this time. "of course it is not a no, it is an I don't know." I replied honestly as we held hands and walked. "Why? Our feeling for each other is clear to all. Why can't we just marry?" He asked" I don't know why but it's just not that simple. I want to I admit but there is something telling me it is not the right time to do so." I explained stopping to look at the water. "What if I make a way for you to have to marry me as soon as possible?" He asked. "How would you do that?" I asked curious about how he would change my mind. "We could have a child together. This by decree would make you the empress, my wife, the mother of my child, and my absolute everything." He says placing his hand onto my belly softly. "If only I were that lucky, I'll have you know it took my parents many tries to conceive. I more than likely have the same problem as my mother genetically" I shot that idea with an arrow before it could fly. "Well, I am more than happy to keep trying again and again and again until we successes." He says his arm going from my belly to around my waist and pulling me closer to him with a mischievous smile. "Oh no, you don't if I am anything like my mother in that area by the time I have my firstborn we will be married already," I said pushing him away gently. "I am fine with whichever comes first." He says making me hit his arm. "I unlike you would like to marry before I have a child as a personal preference," I told him. "Then marry me and we will have and raise our child together." He says taking my hands. "You speak as if we are expecting," I said. "I could only hope to be so blessed. I want you to be by my side till I die Luna. I want you to be my wife, my empress, and the mother to my child " he says stroking my check. " you know ever since I entered the palace the title of empress never appealed to me. It is too much pressure even now. Your concubines were fighting for a position they could not understand. Some believed all the empress does is sit with the emperor and look pretty. Others think it is being a princess with a bigger crown and more power. I may not come from a noble family or a royal one but I know being an empress is a bigger responsibility than most women think." I explained. I was being honest that being empress never interested me but if I were to marry Youngbae I would be given the position. "what if you marry me and I do all the work?" he suggested. "Then what is truly my role in this?" I asked rhetorically. " fine I will leave the topic for now and we will enjoy our trip to......gether." he said after he saw me attempting to get him to tell me where we were going again. "oh you are so stubborn." I said leaving him at the water as I headed back to the carriage.

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