chapter 29

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I walked at a slow pace behind my son and Emperor alone. I didn't want to interfere in their time together and I didn't want the Emperor to try and talk to me. Ever since their first meeting, the Emperor and his mother have been trying to convince me that my family and I should return to Won with them. The Emperor is being very serious about having a real relationship with Leon, he decided to stay here in Oden longer to be with him. I was glad they were getting along so well but at the same time, if Leon gets attached to the king, Leon will want to go with him to Won. Also, I didn't see how the Emperor staying here was the best idea. He has another child back in Won who requires attention as well. Jane will not be happy about this one bit but oh well what can I do? "mother why are you just standing there?" Leon asked me. I hadn't noticed that they had walked ahead at one point. I hurried to them and Leon grabbed my hand to make sure I didn't fall behind again. As we walked around, we got many looks from people. They could not believe the sight before them. I knew some of the people and they knew the man with Leon and I was an Emperor but to a lot of people, power is money with legs. I know things will be crazy when he leaves but we will just have to deal with it. Rumors will spread as they do and sadly there is no one who can stop them.

"Leon, I will be back. I left something in the school earlier" I said trying to excuse myself. "We will come with you, its almost time for you to go anyway." The Emperor says. I didn't speak but they followed me to school. I got to school and into my class. I put some papers into my bag and cleaned the room a bit. As I was doing this, someone came into the classroom. "May I help you?" I asked the man. "I have a message for you from Sir Volden." He says handing me a letter.


Luna was leaving her class when someone came in with something. "May I help you?" Luna asked putting her bag over her shoulder curiously. The man handed her a letter. "Sir. Volden sent this letter to you." I didn't understand what the man had said but Luna seemed a bit awkward. Whatever the letter said it seemed to make her uncomfortable.



I have not spoken to you in a while and I was hoping you and I could have an outing together. Tonight let us go watch a performance in town, I will be at your house at sundown.

Sir Volden

He didn't even bother to give me a choice in if I wanted to go or not. "Thank you I will go home and get ready," I said bowing to Volden's messenger. I walked out at the same time he did and met with the others. "Leon I have something I have to do tonight so why don't we start heading home?" I asked Leon. "Why are you speaking in Odai, father cannot understand us?" Leon asked me as he held the king's hand. "Oh, so you can speak Wonn when you don't want Sir Volden to hear but when I don't want your father to hear I'm a different story?" I asked with my hand on my hips." It's different, Sir Volden is not part of our family so he doesn't need to know what we talk about when we speak Won." Leon argued with me. "Why are you acting this way all of sudden? Just because you want him to know everything doesn't mean I do. You can tell him what you want but my choices are mine and my business is my business." I said warning his behavior. "Are you going with Sir Volden?" he asked me suddenly. "Why does that matter?" I asked him but he seemed upset about the thought. "Why are you sulking?" I asked but he said nothing. "Let's go I have to do something important tonight please," I asked him reaching for his hand but he moved it out of my reach. "Leon?!" I said his name surprised and upset with how he was acting. "Leon, what's going on?" The Emperor asked Leon bending down to see his upset face. "Nothing don't worry about it. Leon come on we have to go." I said so the Emperor would leave the topic alone. "I don't want to," Leon says holding the Emperor's hand tighter. "Why are you acting this way?" I asked and now speaking the same language the Emperor knew what was going on. " What happened?" He asked missing out on so much." You know your majesty I trust you can take good care of Leon, he obviously doesn't want to go home with me. Why do you take him for the night?" I said frustrated with Leon. "Um, are you sure?" he asked but with my expression, he knew my answer. "Leon do you want to stay at the palace with me tonight?" he asked Leon who only nodded. "Okay well let's take your mother home first and we will go. Unless you would like to stay in the palace tonight as well." the Emperor offered but I shook my head." no need, I can get home by myself. Thank you." I said with a bow to the Emperor. "Luna I told you before you don't have to do that, I want you to treat me the way you used too." he says but his wish was not something I would grant." your majesty I apologize but I do not recall a memory when I didn't treat you with proper respect," I said bowing once again. "Goodnight Leon, I will see you tomorrow. Behave yourself and do not give the Emperor a hard time," I said before I kissed Leon's head and left on my own.

I went home and got ready, tonight I have to make it clear that I do not want to continue seeing Sir Volden. Not only do I have no feelings for him nor do I find his personality attractive. But Leon does not like him, he didn't really like him before and now that Youngbae has taken a place in his family he doesn't want anyone else in it.


I sat in my bed in the palace in very soft clothing unlike I have felt before. "Leon-ah why were you and your mother arguing earlier?" my father asked worriedly. "Father, do you love my mother?" I asked him and he looked surprised. "Why do you ask that so suddenly?" he asked sitting down on the bed dressed for bed as well." You don't?" I assumed since he didn't answer. "No I do, I love her more than anything," he says in a rush and I felt confused. "If you love her, why does she not feel the same for you and say you don'?" "your mother and I loved each other a long time ago. We would do anything for each other but I made a mistake that hurt your mother and she left me." He says and I somewhat understood." Well, why don't you just apologize?" I asked. My mother told me if I hurt anyone I should apologize." I regret what I did every day of my life and I spent the last 7 years looking for your mother to be with her again. I finally found her here and apologized but I knew and know what I did hurt her more than an I'm sorry can fix." he explains and I feel sad for him. "If my mother forgave you what would you do?" I asked. "I would take you, her, your uncle and auntie back to Won with me and marry your mother in a heartbeat. In my heart your mother is the only woman in this world I will marry no matter how long it takes for me to earn back her heart and trust." my father says. How can my mother not forgive him, sure I don't know what he did but it is obvious he loves my mother. He is much better than Volden. "Father, what did you do that hurt my mother so badly?" I asked needed too know why this happening. "I neglected her, I accused her and I betrayed her. All of the things were my fault and I don't deserve to be forgiven, however, I still must try. If I can at least be in the same room as your mother for a short period of time I will be satisfied. I want her to be happy with me around, even if I can not earn her trust back." He says and I saw the weak but hopeful look on his face as he spoke of his wish to be with mother and knew I needed to help him." Father, would it be wrong if I want to move to Won with you and grandmother?" I asked and he seemed very surprised but pleased at the same time." Leon that would be wonderful, but your mother made it clear that you all will be staying here. I'm sure you can visit me but I would never be able to get your mother to agree to move you all to Won." he says feeling no hope in y idea of a sort. " what if I help you convince her?" I offered and he smiled at me. "Okay give it your best, and if you can get her to agree we all will be on my ship heading back to our home," he says hugging me before he put me to sleep.


Right, Leon is the only person who can truly convince Luna to return as well as Liluo and Lucas. If he can do this, I will have her back by my side and it will only be a matter of time before she falls back in love with me. Thinking this way makes me sound so evil but my desire for Luna in my life has driven me mad for the past 8 years. I left Leon in bed before I headed to my mother's room. "Mother, he wants to go to Won," I said when I entered her room. "That wonderful, this means you will have both of your children and he can convince his mother to come back as well." My mother says. "Mother, I want Leon to come to Won with us but I feel like I am using him to get Luna back." "Are you not?" She asked sipping her tea. "I mean I don't want Luna to return to Won because she has to. I want her to want to return with me and bring our son. That way we can raise him happily together." I explained but she put her cup down and took my hand before she spoke. "Youngbae, it has been 7 almost 8 years since what happened, happened and I will tell you now there is no chance she will be forgiving you anytime soon. She has had all this time to hate you it will be very hard to change her feelings " "but using our son, isn't that too much?" I asked still feeling bad. "I know you feel like Leon should not be used in this but if you think about it. This may be your only chance to get your child and the woman you love back to somewhere you can be with them." My mother made a point I couldn't deny. "Is this really the only way?" I asked still unsure. "How about tomorrow when you take Leon back to his mother, talk to her and ask her about it." She suggested. "You know she won't talk to me." "Well make her talk to you." My mother says and with that, there was nothing I could argue anymore.

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