chapter 12

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Youngbae's Pov

(2 months later)

I silently looked through the halls back and forth carefully trying to be quiet, each step I took I had to be careful. When I arrived at a curtain on the wall, I ripped it away but saw nothing but a wall it covered. I heard quick footsteps behind me and when I looked I only saw the last trail of her dress flow by. I could only smile as I followed it but when I got to the doorway it had disappeared down another hall. confused I followed my instincts and went down a different hall that led me to our place.

when I arrived, I finally saw her standing with her lady in waiting Liluo distracted. I approached silently and when Liluo saw me her eyes grew. She was about to tell Luna but I placed my finger over my lips telling her to stay quiet. "so you have to make sure he has no idea where I am." Luna says unknowingly. " my lady I think it may be too late." Liluo says. " why do you think?" she asked but I wrapped my arms around her scaring her. " I got you." I said holding her. "your majesty that is unfair, I was distracted." she argued when I laughed her clumsy mistake. "you can not blame me for your lack of attention, that is your own fault." I tell her still holding her. " your majesty, my lady, I will leave you alone." Liluo said bowing to us respectfully before she left us alone." since I found you, you must grant me a wish." I tell her victoriously still holding her from behind gently. 'I still sense foul play, how did you know I left the other room you were checking?" she asked. "I heard your footsteps and when I turned around though passed I saw your winter coat trail behind you," I told her and she made a pout from her clumsiness. " I still blame you for this, you had this coat made for me so long. I am not surprised you used it find me," she said pointing her finger at me.

"no, I had this coat made for you so you can keep warm even when I am not holding you close to me like I am now," I said kissing the side of her head. "Alright, alright your majesty, tell me your wish," she says. I am so happy with her by my side, I just wish she would start being more comfortable." call me by my name." I watched her head went down. "your majesty, you know I cannot do that." she says moving out of my arms. "why not? we have been together a while, we are comfortable around each other, and I intend to marry you soon. why can't you call me by my name?" I asked her pulling her back to me. I noticed she was turning extremely red, but i don't really know why. " your majesty, even if I were to marry you I still would not be allowed to call you by your name." she says hiding her face but I understood why she was this way. "also how are you so sure you will marry me when we have not even truly kissed yet." she pointed out avoiding my eyes. "you're right." I said simply. She looked up at me surprised. I surprised her even more by placing a quick soft peck on her lips, I smiled at her reaction and thankfully unlike last time she didn't run away from me. "that was our official first kiss." I said softly but she looked away shyly. I gently made her look at me again in the eyes silently, she was not afraid but she still hesitated so I did it again but for longer this time.

When we pulled away for air, I could see her shy smile. "now will you say my name?" I asked resting my forehead on hers. " Won Youn...." she started but her voice constantly got smaller. " I didn't hear that," I said hearing her huff. "Won Young...."I heard her voice drop again. " what?" I said. " Won Youngbae." she finally says my whole name but that still wasn't enough. " one more time Luna I can't hear you. " I said loudly showing her how loud I want her to say my name. " no people will hear me," she says. " If they do they can't say anything, who would dare. now tell me what's my name?" I shouted and he finally had enough. "Won Youngbae!" she shouted just as loud as I did making me hug her happily. I loved being able to call this woman mine. "Luna I mean what I say when I told you I intend to marry you. When I do I want you to stay by my side forever. I want you to be my wife, my empress, and the mother to my child" I tell her softly in her ear. "your majesty how are you so sure our love will last?" she asked me, I could hear the slight fear in her voice. " I strongly believe we are experiencing the love that comes only once in a lifetime. If you fear it is not, I will only show you it is true" I tell her as I gently stroke her hair. " I have told you before as long as you do not let me go I will never let go of you," she says I could only smile and kiss her again.

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