Happy New Years

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Everyone it is officially 2019

Everyone it is officially 2019

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Happy new years everyone. I hope everyone has safe and fun new years and spend time with the people you love and cherish. I hope everyone is looking forward to the new year and I hope you all enter the new year knowing that a new year means new opportunities. So if 2018 wasn't your year don't be so bummed about it 2019 is a new one and you are the one who makes the year what it is. Like always I have to tell everyone how thankful I am to you all for supporting my book and or books. This means so much to me and I love writing so maybe one day in the future if I publish one of my books and I let out my real name, you all can be like. Oh, I remember when she was on wattpad writing books.😂😂😂😂 anyway, thank you so so much for all the love, commitment, and feedback. I really do read and listen to what you guys say because I want to write something people like and I like as well. 2018 was a nice year for me I will say. I did a lot more than I normally do so I am amazed when I look back on it. I left Chicago for the first time in a long time not counting Indian. I started a Kpop club at my school to make more kpop friends. I finished one of my books and it is my most popular book so thank you all again. I just had a good year and I am hoping in 2019 it will be better for not just me but for my family, friends, my readers, and everyone. I hope this year you all will look forward to Beautiful prisoner's sequel Trapped Freedom. I also have a wish to interact more with the reader but I don't know how I will do that yet. If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them so just let me know. It is now 12:50 so I will log off but yeah happy new years again and I'll see you guys in the next book/chapter
Bye Bye😍

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