chapter 34

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We have been back and have been settling in for about a month. I am currently walking with Leon when something hit me. "Leon since we have returned, I haven't taken you to go see your grandmother," I said stopping in the middle of the hall. "Grandmother is in her palace, we saw her 4 days ago." He says reminding me if the Emperor's mother and it made me smile. "Not royal grandmother, my mother," I explained. His eyes grew wide at the thought and he was now excited. "When can we go to meet her?" He asked. Well, I must ask the Emperor first but how are two days from now?" I asked but he too busy jumping up and down. I took him to his next class of the day and then went to visit the Emperor.


I sat on my throne working on documents when Luna arrived. I saw her in our countries clothing and smiled. She looked beautiful in anything she wears but it just made me happy. I stood up and stepped down from my throne to greet her. "Luna, what brings you here?" I asked with a smile. She bowed quickly before she spoke. "Your majesty, I have come to speak to you about leaving the palace for a while." She says with slight hesitation. "Leave the palace, what for?" I asked not wanting to assume the worst too quickly. "Well, I realized earlier today that I have been back for about a month and I have not once gone to see my mother. She doesn't even know about Leon. I also didn't want to just leave and throw you into a state of worry." She says with her head going low. Seeing her this way reminded me of old times when she would be too scared to look me in the eye. "Of course you can go see your mother. She has not heard from you in so long, im sure she is worried sick." I said placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Who is worried sick?" We both looked to see my mother enter with her servants. "Your grace." Luna greeted my mother respectfully. "Mother, Luna has come to ask my permission to go visit her mother with Leon for a few days so they can meet. I was saying since her mother has not seen her in so long she must be worried. " I will leave you alone. I would like to send my mother a message to let her know I will be coming." Luna says bowing to both of us before she excused herself. When she left, my mother took a seat and spoke. "You are really trusting her to go?" "Why shouldn't I, she is just going to visit her mother for a few days," I said taking a seat as well. "May I remind you that the last time she said she was going to visit her mother, she left for Oden and we didn't see her for 8 years." "I know but it's different this time. Luna would not do such a thing again." I tried to ease my mother's worries. "Don't get me, wrong son, I adore Luna and Prince Leon but if Luna gets pushed too far she will not hesitate to leave as she did." My mother says and it makes me think if anything had happened that she may be upset about. Although I can't think of anything my mother does have a point. "Well, what do you suggest I do?" "Go with them." "I can't do that, then Luna will think I don't trust her." I refused not wanting Luna to feel bad. "So you are 100% sure if she leaves this palace's walls she will come back?" I hesitated. "Y-yes" "No need to try to fool me, I know what you are thinking but if you do as I say. you will not have to worry at all because you will know exactly where she is. "Mother do you truly not trust Luna? she has no reason to Runaway anymore." I try to explain but my mother didn't want to listen. "just do as I say and you will grateful to me later. " she says sipping her tea. "fine but what do I tell her when she asks me why I am going?" " You figure that out, just do it." she says before she changes the topic. "now since we brought Luna back you have another dilemma." " What is that?" "when it was just Xander you didn't have much to worry about, however, with the arrival of Leon you now have another option to be crowned prince." she reminds me. "Mother they are just children, why must we speak of this now? we can discuss it when they are older. " "not that I feel it will but if anything were to happen to you right now, who would take over the Empire? This is something you must prepare for. Now Prince Xander has been studying since very young but Prince Leon is a very fast learner. However, I fear at the moment he will not be ready for the choosing. so many years spent away from his home puts him at a disadvantage." she says with a sigh. "Well, how about this we train them equally at the same time from now on and when they are older, on fairgrounds, with their own ideas we can let them compete fairly for the tile of the crown prince title," I suggested then stood up and left to avoid my mother's arguing.

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