chapter 8

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I ran to my room and hid underneath my table hugging my knees still. After a few moments, there was a knock on my door, but I didn't answer it, I was too afraid. "Luna." I heard the emperor's voice call me, but I said nothing and stayed where I was. "I know you're in there," he says. even though there was no light coming from the room or voices he still knew. Finally, the door opened because it had not been locked. He stepped in and closed the door quietly before sitting on my bed and waiting. " will you please speak to me; I know it was sudden, but I don't want you to." he said but I took bold step to interrupt him. " no, it's not that." I said surprising him. " you liked it?" he asked with a hopeful voice, but I said nothing. "if you liked it why did you not kiss me back and why did you run away?" he asked he was confused in some way. "I did not return your kiss because I do not want to be an infatuation," I got up as the thought angered me. My face had been hidden in my lap with tear stains from my silently crying in fear. "What?" He says. "Forgive me your majesty if I am overreacting and you didn't mean anything. Or that you were just trying to prove a point. But if you do like me, I have to turn you down." I said with a heavy heart. "Luna please." He started but I stopped him because I need to make him understand. "No, I cannot I'm sorry but if you meant what you said back there, I refuse to be your infatuation." "Infatuation?" He asked. "Yes infatuation, your short-lived desire. I cannot do that." I said he stood up and tried to get closer to me, but I stopped him. "Luna why you think I would only see you as an infatuation?" He asked I put my arm down. "You said it, all those women belong to you. You are not wrong, but it is not right as well, yes, they work to please you but they are still human and should be treated as such. I am a human as well I don't want to be treated as a slave." I walked away from him. "Okay, I understand why you feel that way, but I swear to you I do not see you as an Infatuation. I was just trying to show them that you are not to be messed with and that I am free to do as I please." He says. Somehow that hurt a bit more than being infatuation. "Well, I'm relieved." I lied walking around him and to my wardrobe. "I will see you in the morning." He says about to head out. "I don't think so. I mean tomorrow is my first day as a scholar I must prepare." I made an excuse. "Of course, I understand that." He says before leaving my room. I fell back onto my bed frustrated.

Why did I say that? Why did I tell her I don't like her? What is wrong with me? I asked myself as I walked back to my room. When I arrived, I saw my mother waiting for me. "What is it?" I asked not wanting to be bothered. "Tell me what do you feel for scholar Luna." She said. "I beg your pardon. " I said surprised by her question. "I know you better than you know yourself and I know yourself Just tell me. " alright I like her a lot but now she thinks I don't," I confessed. "I don't blame her; your little speech early may have caused her more harm than good." She says. "How I was just trying to protect her." I said not understanding. " every woman down there just learned you have an interest in lady Luna and will continue to attack her even harsher when you are not around." I was now worried. "Luna is now in a higher rank than them meaning she can defend herself." I pointed out. "That is not the point. The point is you have just caused more harm to her than good and you not being with her really just makes her a bigger target for those women." She says I let out a deep breath." I understand but I do have feelings for her what should I do?" I asked. "Tell her that, tell her how you truly feel and don't let her leave when the time comes if the feeling is true." My mother said she left my room leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Days passed and I have nearly seen Luna besides meetings about the development of the emperor. In these meetings, she is very serious and formal with everyone. She is very bright and wise I admire her more and more every day. Soon days turn into a month and we still have not spoken probity or personally, I would like to assume it's because we are both too busy to meet instead of assuming, she is avoiding me. I am worried though because if I continue to not try and meet her, she will leave for sure. It is currently the first day of autumn here and I am standing in the garden area alone. I didn't bother to bring things to rest on out anymore because with Luna not around I didn't have to make sure she was comfortable. I stood there with my eyes closed listing to the water run down the waterway calmly. I let out a deep breath before I opened my eyes and when I did, I saw Luna walking alone coming my way. I wondered if my eyes were playing a trick on me because I wanted to see her so badly. Before I could tell myself if she was there or not, she was in front of me bowing respectfully. "Greetings your majesty." She says. "rise, you don't have to greet so formally when we are alone," I explained to her, but she didn't seem very sure. "Is that really appropriate?" She asked. "Well if it makes you feel better, we can keep it our secret," I tell her I saw her have a small but shy smile. "Would you like to join me?" I asked and she just nodded her head. "Are you ready for the trip today?" She asked standing with me. "I am ready, but the trip is boring to the east wall, not to mention all we talk about is war strategies," I explained. "How can traveling through such a beautiful place such as the Plum blossom forest boring. The colors are just breathtaking, I can't think of a better place to go during autumn." She says sweetly thing with her eyes closed." You have been there before?" I asked. "Sadly no, but my grandmother went before I was born and told me that is was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. I have dreamed to go since I was a child." She explained I nodded my head. "Well, today you get your dream. I will try and enjoy the trip, but I don't know how." I explained, "Well if it's not too out of place maybe I can show you when we get there." She offered. "I will look forward to that." I accepted her offer. We were silent for a bit when I thought this would be a good time to apologize. "Luna, I know it has been a while, but I must apologize." I began. "For what?" She asked confused. " for what happened the day we stopped speaking for a while. "Oh, it's fine I got over it already." She says but I knew she was lying because when I brought it up, she seemed worried. "Well even if that is true, I am not and I should not have done what I did," I said. "Is alright I know you had good intentions, you explained to me that night. I didn't forget." She says putting her head down. I wondered if she tried to forget. "Tell me to have any of the concubines tried to harm you?" I asked but she kept silent. "Luna" she looked at me

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