chapter 31

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I sat in my son's room as he ran around and played on his own. The Emperor had to extend his trip to Oden for some reason. He sent letters back for Xander but it was not the same as him being here. Xander is trying to look like he doesn't mind but he misses his father. I took a sip of tea as he slowed down growing tired. "Xander, have you been working hard on your studies?" I asked him he nodded his head. "Good because with your father not here at the moment." I began to say but he finished my sentence. "This will prove to him I am a mature boy who is fit to be Emperor." He says and it makes me smile. Xander is an adorable child, how I wish he were truly mine. Xander himself doesn't even know of his true identity and I never intended to tell him. No one in this world besides 3 other people know of this secret. My servent Woori, and Xander's birth parents. Honesty they should thank me. Because I bought their child for a good price, they are no longer starving and homeless and Neither is their child. "Xander, what did your recent letter from your father say?" I asked as my son read over the letter. "That he is doing well and that he misses me. He even has a surprise for me when he comes back soon." Xander says, he is a very smart boy but he doesn't seem too happy at the moment. "I wonder what it could be," I said getting up and walking over to him. "Xander, what's wrong? You seem so down today." He didn't answer me. "Do you miss your father?" I asked he nodded his head and I felt bad for the boy. Trapped in this palace with nothing to do and no one to play with. He must feel so lonely. "Xander, tell me what can I do to make you feel happy," I asked patting his head gently. "I don't know, I just want to play with someone." He says sadly. "I understand you feel lonely with no brothers or sisters, or your father but I promise I will make it up to you. I must go and do something, for now, play by yourself for a bit okay?" I say he nodded his head sadly before I got up and left.


This place is so big and so empty to me. I was born and raised here but there is nothing really special about this palace. I always feel so bored when my father is not around but it is really hard to complain about it. My father is an Emperor, I am lucky he even takes the time to play with me. My mother never plays with me at least if she ever has I don't remember. I asked my parents, to have another child so I don't feel so alone anymore but I know how they feel about each other. My father doesn't love my mother the way she says he does. However, my mother loves my father very much. I thought maybe another child would help but that will probably never happen. I don't know what to do on my own, I try to play but it's not as fun. I suddenly felt very hungry and decided I wanted a snack. I left my room on my wat to the royal kitchen.


I watched Luna play in the water of the beach with Leon and felt very at peace at the moment. If only Xander was here, it would be better and we could all spend time together. After all these years I can still read Luna so well. I know that every time she looks back at me she is trying to hide her thoughts. She is trying to show me that she doesn't care for me. However, I know that is not fully true. She is also worried about our son and his desire to come to Won with me. She would never allow him to go with just me, but she doesn't want to go as he does. I have my own worries about if I bring them back to Won with me. I know they will be fine because I will protect them but I am worried about the situation between Luna and Jane. They both are mothers to my children, however, who knows what it would take to push them over the edge. Maybe if I keep them separated, nothing will go down. Keep Luna and Leon on one side of the palace and Jane and Xander on the other. As far away from each other as possible. "Father, father. Come play in the water with us." Leon asked me. "I don't see why not," I said getting up and heading to the water. Luna stopped me before I got in. "Your majesty, it is not the wisest choice to enter the water in royal clothing. They will be destroyed, and with no back up you can get sick" she warned me. Her words made me smile, she was showing concern for me even if she tried to hide it with her tone. "Then I will take it off," I said I stripped myself of the Royal Thai tops but kept on the simple pants that can be found anywhere and headed in. We all played around a bit before it was time to go. I was sad though, Leon has school tomorrow and I leave back to Won next week. I have put off my duties for far too long and I have neglected my other beloved child. We arrived at the home and Luna saw Lucas waiting at the door happily.

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