chapter 33

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Woori did my hair and makeup after she dressed me. The Emperor is arriving today, and I intend to seduce him tonight after a few drinks. My clothing exposes a bit if skin compared to other, which will draw the Emperor to me like a bee to honey. "Mother, why are you wearing that?" I jumped when I heard Xander's little voice. "Xander, what are you doing in here. You should be getting ready for your father's arrival." I said getting up and seeing him fully dressed and ready. "Well, go play for a while till it is time to welcome him home." I sent my son away to finish preparing for the Emperor's arrive. When he comes back, I want us to start over and go back to the way we were before that servant came to my palace. After a while, Woori rushed into the room. "My lady the Emperor has just arrived." She says. My heart started to beat faster as I got up and rushed with her to the throne room. When I got inside, Xander was in his spot by the Emperor's throne excited to see his father. Finally, the call came and everyone was silent. "The Great Emperor Won and the Empress mother have returned!" An announcer says making the doors open to show everyone inside the handsome Emperor and his mother who had just arrived. Everyone including me and Xander goes onto our knees and bow to him respectfully.

He took his place at the throne and sat down before he spoke. "Raise." He says calmly. "Welcome back Emperor Won and Empress mother." Everyone says in unison. "It is wonderful to see you all again. I am glad to be home." He says his head turns to my direction only to land on Xander. "Prince Xander, please come here." He says. Xander hurries over to his father and hugs him happily. "Father I am so happy you have returned. Now we can play together." Xander says excitedly. The Emperor stroked the prince's hair before he spoke. "I promise I will play with you soon, however, I have many duties to make up for." He says softly to the boy. Xander was sad to hear that. "However, I have a surprise for you." He says and it perked Xander up. The Emperor stood up and addressed the entire room of people. "I left for Oden to make stronger ties with the country. I stayed longer because I found something there I simply could not leave without. 8 years ago something happened and an important scholar was lost and I could not find them. I found them on my trip to Oden and to my surprise, she had a child." I am going to faint was all I could think. "Your majesty, the scholar you speak of is a woman?" A guard asked surprised. Currently and since Luna left there had been no other female scholar. "Yes, but she is more than just a scholar. She is the woman I love and her child. He is my son. I stand here to announce the return of Noble scholar Luna Pain, guard Lucas, Newly instead scholar Liluo, and my youngest son Prince Leon." He says the door opened and my enemy was here once again. This is impossible, how did he find her. How did he convince her to return? How on earth does she have a child? Even I can not deny he looks exactly like the Emperor.


I held Leon's hand as we walked into the throne room together. Liluo and Lucas walked behind us silently to assure Leon everything was okay. My baby was too scared to think and wouldn't walk out on his own. I took his hand and let him know I will hold it the whole time. When the doors opened all eyes were on us, many were curious, some worried, and some judging us but the only eyes that mattered where the ones that were filled with love for me and my family. As we walked, I was able to see Prince Xander In person for the first time. His grandmother was right to wonder where his looks come from. Unlike Leon, he doesn't look like he has a drop of Emperor Won's blood in him. But at the same time, he didn't seem to look like the Jane I remember at least. Speaking of her, I just spotted her looking at us with a cold glare as if she would kill us any second. I would love to see her try because if she lays a hand on my family, her head will be resting on a pike. I see no resemblance in any of the 3 so how is it possible. We stopped at the front of the room and bowed to the Emperor. "Xander, meet Leon my youngest son who has come here all the way from Oden to meet you." The Emperor says softly taking Leon's hand and bringing him up to the throne. Everyone watches silently as the two princes looked at each other. They both had smiles on their faces that couldn't be faked. "Leon this is your older brother Xander. I want you two to get along well and become friends." The Emperor says holding both of their hands. Out of excitement, the two boys hugged each other instantly making the entire room react to the cuteness.

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