chapter 17

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" Of course it is not true, I asked who told you this so I can punish them for spreading rumors like that," he says finally grabbing me and hugged me to make me calm down but I am still unsure. "Lady Jeon was talking to Lady Zheng when I walked by and I heard her say a guard said when you all came to get me, the kidnappers were rapping me and that you would no longer love me because I am used." I told him truthfully. "listen to me, don't believe what anyone else says, they did not rape you and even if they did I would not love you any less. It was not your fault." he says stroking my hair. " I want to believe but I can't for some reason, I need proof that they did not. " I said still crying. "Luna the only way to truly know is up to you." he says but I was confused about what that meant. "what do you mean up to me?" I asked looking at him. "I'll give you time to think about it, come with me " he takes my hand and brings me to his seat. We sit down and he comforts me as much as possible till I wanted to go rest in my room.


After Luna left I summed lady zheng and when she arrived she was very shocked. "Greetings your majesty." She respectfully spoke to me. "Raise," I said simply. "Yes, your majesty." She says before she gets up. "What is with the look on your face, you look confused," I asked her and she changed her face instantly. "I can see you have a question, ask it, " I said and saw the hesitation in her thoughts to speak. "Your majesty I am confused because you have not summoned a concubine in so long, why now and why me so suddenly?" She asked. "Don't worry I did not call you here for pleasure but for information. I overheard a conversation between you and lady Jeon earlier." I said and her eyes grew big. " you two said scholar Luna was raped by her kidnappers. Were you two there to see what happened?" I asked her. "No sir, I just assumed what lady Jeon told me was true because she said she heard it from one of the guards. " Lady Zheng said and I now understood who was talking. "You are dismissed," I said simply turning my back to her. "Your majesty, may I ask you a question?" She says. "What Is it?" I asked. "Was lady Luna really raped?" She asked. "Of course not!" I made clear. "Now go," I said she got scared and walked out in a hurry. When she left, I summoned lady Jeon and she showed up with a gift.

"Greetings your majesty." She says. "Rise," I said coldly and it seemed to take her by surprise. "Your majesty, you have not requested a concubine in so long I brought you a gift. Fresh fruits and wine." She says with a smile as her lady in waiting held the tray of treats. "Lady Jeon I did not call you here for that, I called you here because you are guilty of spending Rumors about scholar Luna," I said angrily and saw her face go pale. "I am not very wise your majesty, please explain to me what you mean." She says. But you could tell she was playing dumb. "If you want to lie, you should work on your acting skills. I have already heard from Madame Zheng about the conversation you two had regarding what happened to scholar Luna. I will warn you now to drop it or you will be punished." I ordered and heard her hurried response. "Your majesty I do not know if it is true, I just heard it from a guard and assumed it was true. That he had been there and seen it I truly apologize." She says going onto her knees in fear. "Who did you hear it from?" I asked she still had her head down. "Pardon?" She asked not knowing what to say. "You say you heard it from a guard who was there. Who was he?" I asked but I knew she would not have an answer. " well, I am not sure who it was. I was just walking by and heard someone say that. I was surprised and talked to lady Zheng about it not thinking." She says hoping I would believe her. "Well then, until we find the one who has spread the rumors I will hold you responsible. I order you to go and apologize to scholar Luna now." I demanded and she agreed without hesitation.


I arrived at The emperor's room still worried. I asked Lucas what happened when they showed up and like the emperor said they were not doing what was said. I was at ease about that, however, there was still a possibility of me being raped. I may not have been when they came but I blanked out before they arrived for a while. that means they could have done it when I was not conscious and no one had come for me yet. I had to think about it later because I was requested to go to the emperor 's chambers.

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