Chapter 10 : It's Hell Offensive

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Chapter 10 : It's Hell Offensive

"Sultan" Madhu calls him softly entering the room She isn't sure whether Can She apologize? To see Sultan asleep cuddling his teddy bear Wait! What? Teddy Bear She giggles Looking at his sleeping form ..A Part of their Childishness is hidden in this Kundra Brothers But When they are up ! They are The Devils ..She smiles thinking ..."Sultan..utho" ..She taps his hand to wake him up but he does not move an inch He is a deep sleeper ..Giving up .."Tsunami..tsunami..." Sultan's shouts top of his voice Madhu laughs out loudly seeing him yelling out .."'s...water...a bucket ..of ..water..not..tsunami " She talks in between her laugh ..Sultan blinks twice to make sure he looks around the room and then at her to find her with a bucket of water "What the Hell!" He shouts pissed .."You did not give me any option " She shrugs her shoulder .."You Know What..You..Are.." He points his index finger at her angrily ..."What I Am Sultan?" She asks him narrowing her brows ...seeing her pissed he could not help but remember what he went through yesterday.." " he stutters .."Come Down For Breakfast " She leaves his room as he frowned ..She puts her head back into his room shouting "SORRY " and runs away making his frown widened as it reminded him hopping around the whole room until midnight ..."Thank you Rishab " He whispered to the air Because he had to take those medicines Late at night to stop hopping around ...

Madhu's dusts around the mansion Finding the Middle Kundra "Where the Hell is He ? Can't he just stay in a place Like Statue " She curses under her breath ..She checks his room, terrace, balcony, garden he is nowhere to be seen .."Kamina ..Why Can't you stay in a place?" She yells seeing him swimming jovially tying her hands across her chest puffing out in anger .."Why is your mood so good? " He teases her .. "Come Let's Have Breakfast ".."I Will Not"..."Get out of The Pool Right Now!" She ordered as He gave a sly grin "If Not?" .."I'll Get In and Pull You Out " She gave him a smirk as his grin widened .."... "Don't You Dare get into the Pool I am Naked " He smirks as She Shrieked and closed her eyes with her palms .."Why The Hell Is that?".."My House , My Swimming Pool I Can Do Whatever I want!" ..."Can You cover the little V and get out right now!" She yelled closing her eyes .He gaped loudly "Did you just Call it Little?".."Yes I Did Now Cover that and Get out " She retorted back with her eyes closed " It's hell offensive ..Let me show you how little it is " he swam towards her making her run away from that place shrieking "Kaminaaa"... He got out of the pool He was on his swim suit ..He started drying his hair muttering curses under his breath to find her coming to him ..This time she had covered her whole face with her duppata .."Have you Covered ?" She yelled Looking down at the Floor ..Seeing him taking a step forward "Kaminaaa " she screeched "Stay there or I'll drop this into the Pool ".. His gaze shifted to her hand to Find his Phone Mere inches over the Pool "Tiny Creature I Said give it Back NOW" he yelled last word making her startle as he took a step forward ..She ran away with his phone shouting "Have Breakfast You'll Get it Back !"..."She called it Little " he murmured again pissed He just cannot get it out of his head ..."How Dare She call it Little ? " He muttered again Wiping himself ...

Madhu's next stop is to the Little Kundra's Room ..She Finds him playing a piano humming to a song .."Mukund.." She calls him nervously ..He stops playing and turns around to find her flailing her right hand ..He gave her a small nervous smile and held his head the place where she had smacked yesterday..Madhu so wanted to laugh out loud seeing him doing that she just smacked once and he is scared of her but his brothers "urgh" How She wishes even they could be tamed .."Hi".."Mukund Why don't we have breakfast together ?"..This instantly brings a huge smile on his face as he nods jovially ..."I'll come in a while "...Madhu leaves down ..

"Meena maa What have you got for breakfast today?" Madhu asks her hugging her from behind as She smiles at her ..They are the Daughter mother Duo .."A lot ..Why is my beti so interested today? "..."Hmm Because Maa Brothers are joining us today " ..."Sachi" instantly Meena turned around shocked & surprised .."Yes" Madhu grins... "Let's Set the table they'll be down any moment" Meena pulls Madhu with her for help..

Sultan joins her First and takes his place next to her .."I am Sorry " Madhu whispers again making him grin wider & wider "It's Okay Darling ?"He tells while taking her hand in his making her glare at him which results in another smack on his head and Sultan rubs it whining .."Why?".."Serves you Right ! Don't you Dare calling me names " She points her index finger ...

""Madhu..What Have.." His words come to a halt seeing Sultan There .."Mukund come Let's have ?" She calls him cheerfully .."Why didn't you tell he is joining?" He asks her pissed ..."Why didn't you tell that he is too coming?" Sultan to asks her .."Guys What's the big deal in eating together ? ..Afterall We are Family ..Aren't We It's nice to have meal with Family?" She asks beaming ..

"Who are you calling Family Tiny Creature ? " A voice reaches her eardrums to See Rishab coming down irritated ...She Being the Nave one points the three of them as the return her grin with a glare ... " It's Nice to Have when it's Family ..But ..We Three " He points at three of them "Only Have in Common is The Last Name If Not...We..Are ..Strangers " Rishab tells her stressing the last words ..

"So Now Give My Phone Back Tiny creature!" ..Did he call her names? Sultan Frowns She did not allow him but Rishab Can He ponders..."Have Meal Together I'll give it Back !"..The last straw of patience is gone for Sultan as He gets up "I'll Do Whatever you want but I am Drawing the Line here !" He furiously whispers giving a last look to Rishab Leaves the Place .."I am going..Don't Worry too Much..We Are Not Close " Mukund replies Sadly and walks away before she could come up with an excuse ...

So She is Left only With Rishab as Meena Maa also Leaves the Place .. Rishab comes Forward and extends his hand ...Madhu shakes her head negatively hiding the phone behind her back .."Have Food ..I'll Give you Back "..."I WILL NOT " He Yells at her "Have or Get Lost ! " She replies back .."Phone!".."Food".."Phone".."Food ".."Phone".."Food " She shouts out loudly tired .. Rishab catches her off guard pulling her by her arms tying his hands around her waist as she stared at him shocked They were close breathing onto each other...

Hum hai Deewane Tere Deewane

He Snatches his phone from her pushing her on the chair .."Stay in your Limits!"...He turns to go but she holds his arm "Is Phone So Valuable than Family?"..."Get Lost " He whispers unable to come with an answer to her question as Madhu plops on the chair holding her head "What I am Gonna Do?"

"How is her progress?" Balraj asks Bittu from London as Bittu proceeds to tell everything ...Balraj lets out a laugh as Bittu looks at him clueless through video call "She is getting an introduction Bittu She learn soon ..One Week Deadline Get them together For Breakfast ".."But Sir Isn't it To Short ? One week ?" He asks nervously concerned about Madhu ".."No Bittu not all She Can ..She will ..I have faith in her "...


He Pinned her to the Wall Cupping her Mouth as She Struggled under him "What the Hell are you doing in Ladies Washroom Rishab?" She yelled



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