Chapter 38

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Dedicating to awesumestt aishu0074 manna43 Tanni1277 Shreeyuvi and 

Chapter 38

Madhu holds her head feeling the earth shaking beneath her feet , Her lips curve up suddenly remembering the strange dream She had , her fingers involuntarily moves towards her lips "It felt so real" She whispers as her cheeks are kissed pink.

She blinks her vision twice to see that She was in her room , She balances herself on her feet as She feels her head shaking "What's gotten into me?" She murmurs holding onto the bedpost "Everything is going round , round !"

Madhu shaking her head twice walks out of the room placing her feet one by one trying to balance herself from falling . She lets out a gasp finding Rishab sleeping in the chair outside her room with wine stains in his shirt and his hairs disheveled .

Her eyes widens as She shuts it tightly closed remembering her almost pushing her finger into his hairs pulling him more closer her to her as his lips travelled down her jaw trailing wet kisses down her throat before kissing her again on her lips as She held onto him tightly . Her cheeks acquire a warm shade as She sprints inside the room and pulling her dress out runs into the washroom while switching on the shower , She blushes remembering him almost trying to mark her his . She dries her hairs in the washroom after wearing her dress still lost in the moment they shared that She ends up slipping due to the little water present on the tiles . Madhu lets out a yelp as her legs hit the cold tile floor followed by her left hand . Her head gets knocked lightly as she passes out unable to bear the pain .

Sultan who was teasing Bittuji and Saanvi for their stunt hearing Madhu's loud screeching dashes into the house , Trishna and Mukund run from the opposite direction , Rishab blinks his eyes twice wondering where is he? , he sees the shadows of the four running towards his direction , he turns his head slightly to see him in front of Madhu's room , He crawls hurriedly behind the pillar least they saw him outside her room , it is going to be a disputation .

Rishab looks curiously seeing everyone including Dipali who joins them running in . His breath stops seeing Madhu unconscious in the arms of Bittuji as they run towards the hall . He sees Bittuji placing Madhu on the backseat of the car as Saanvi takes her seat and Trishna sits in the front as Bittu drives off.

Sultan and Dipali look at each other worriedly as they come inside the cottage with Mukund as for now only one car was available . Rishab runs to his room showering himself up changes into a new pair of pants and a v-shirt t-shirt . Rishab grabbing his phone and wallet dashes out of the room but stops seeing Mukund, Sultan and Dipali looking at him weirdly

"Ermm—Rishab Where are you going early morning?" Dipali asks quickly before Rishab could reply she worriedly blabbers "Madhu slipped on the floor and had fractured her left arm and her right ankle is twisted very badly –She had got herself a cast and is now under concussion!"

Rishab lets out a sigh of relief which went unnoticed by the three of them as they were more worried about Madhu . Rishab wanted to see her right now , God damn! His mind had been jammed he cannot remember any single he did or they did after few drinks they had last night .

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