Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

She locks her right arm around his neck pulling him in a hug, He smiles placing his chin on her shoulder "Thank you—although it wasn't needed !"

Dismissing her reply Rishab asks her "Am I entitles to hugs always if I get Golgappes ?" , Rishab hugs her tighter both smiling in each other's hold.

"That depends on the number of Golgappes you get me" Madhu says haughtily while breaking off from the hug . His arms still around her waist .

"Achcha But Don't You know Rat—that Cat's take what they want?"

"Rats steal—what—belongs to them"

"You know –you have an adorable beautiful –handsome—gorgeous-sparkling—twinkling-mingling—caring—" Rishab goes on describing as Madhu looks at him bored "Cat –Who would get anything for his little Rat?"

Madhu lets out a laugh "I don't see one around with that description!"

Rishab pouts with his hands on his hips before he could open his mouth he sees Madhu bending down holding her ankle, "What happened ?" He asks worriedly

"I had been standing since long-so the ankle is aching a lot"

Madhu stifles a gasp feeling her in his arms "Why stand when your personal chair is here?"

Madhu laughs "I better stand than being in the Cat's arms –Who knows just like the wolf who was faking to help the ginger bread man –My Cat to eats his Rat?"

"I will eat—when the time comes" Rishab murmurs under his breath

"aapane kuchh kaha (Did you say something) "

"No—nothing !" Rishab tells flushed

"You are blushing," Madhu says amused "What's running in that biggy head of yours?"

"NO—I was just –", Madhu raises her brow "I was imagining of the day I would get to carry my wife in my arms"

Madhu leans her head while placing her head on his shoulder "The one who marries you would be indeed lucky" Madhu whispers softly.

Rishab places her on the bed while placing her crutches a side which She had been carrying ."All thanks to you" He says flicking her nose

"Me?" Madhu asks surprised

Rishab sits beside her and takes her palm in his "Haan—If a few months ago –If anyone had seen me –I used to carry a frown every time only with Meena ma I used to talk but yes still not cheerfully --- Remember I told you are my everything?"

Madhu nods as her vision blurs "Because you changed me ! – You made me see how beautiful life could be if one doesn't keep dwelling on the past—You made me --- Talk to My Father once –Pay him Final rites—" Rishab chuckles to hide his tears Madhu hugs him instantly placing her head on his chest while carefully enough not to hurt her fractured arm.

Rishab keeps his head over hers "But I am still angry for spoiling my room" Rishu adds in a stern tone while hugging her back tightly . Madhu chuckles against his heart her doubts clearing May be he is developing feelings for me?"

"I am ready to bear punishment Your Majesty!"

Rishab giggles playing along as he removes his head from hers as she looks up "Is it My Queen? No backing back later "

RishBala FF : A Cinderella TaleWhere stories live. Discover now