Chapter 14 : What's this Between Us?

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Chapter 14 : What's this Between Us?

Rishab pulls his hands from her waist instantly she feels the loss of warmth as She stares at him with an unknown emotion ..He places his hands around her shoulders as He tells Sultan Jovially "I am Gonna try & Steal your Girlfriend " Making Their Mouths Form "O" Shaped !!

"What? Sultan Lets out a nervous laugh "You got a good sense of humor but it should not go overboard " he tells the last part with intense anger , "It just takes the fun out of life ! Rishab repeats his words as he continues "I am Gonna Try & Steal Your Girlfriend My Brother He finishes with a evil smirk as Sultan gets hold of his collar "How Dare you ?" .The two glare at each other with fire burning in their eyes .."I Dare too! " Rishab replies underrated firmly ."I am not a commodity " She yells making them stop there intense staring session and turn to her . She looks at them in anger "I am not a commodity to use or throw or sell to each other " she puffs out in anger .Leaving the hold on Rishab 's collar he steps back as Madhu stands in the middle with two by her sides..She ties her hands across her chest throwing daggers at the two.

Fireworks goes off in the sky as Bittuji and Mukund walk in with a cake as they sing "Happy Birthday Smacking Cinderella !".She stares at them in awe as She laughs throwing her head back forgetting her anger smacking cinderella.."Muku!!" She yells in excited throwing her arms around his neck as he stumbles a bit balancing himself and the cake in his hand .."You are the best I Love you " She shouts in happiness pulling away herself from him .

"What ?" Madhu hears a shocked chorus comes from behind her .She turns around and narrows her brow at them "U Love Him?" Again they ask in chorus with their eyes widen. She wiggles her brows "Who will Not Love Muku After all ? " She asks them clueless. "Muku?" Again Chorus ..Madhu chuckles "At least you both are getting into one word in this ! Haa Muku Isn't the name cute ?" She asks nodding her head raising her brows showing her dimple teeth in delight with her chubby cheeks. Rishab and Sultan look at each other astonished due to the sudden change in the atmosphere while Mukund gives a knowing smile as He turns Madhu around to face him "So Cinderella ?".."I Love you Superstar Mukund ..Nah Muku is it okay with you?" She asks curiously as he shakes his head seeing her antics "Muku I watched one of your film overnight and I must say that was love & now your sweet gestures of wishing me you are the best just Like Trishna says "...Mukund bites his inner cheek "Trishna?" he asks curiously "yes..she is .." She stops halfway as She hears a deep sigh from behind . Rishab and Sultan had let out their breath they had been holding to .

Muku takes hold of Madhu's hand and drags her to the table which is decorated with variety of dishes . Rishab and Sultan follow them behind sneering . "Madhu Happy Birthday " Sultan tells her grinning as she scrunches her nose "Madhu come on yaar we were just playing "..."We?" .."Haa me and Rishab We thought to surprise you in our style but Rishab overacted " he tells her as Madhu looks at them not taking their lie ..Sultan nods raising his eyes trying to make her believe while Rishab mutters under his breath "I was genuine!!" .

Mukund places the cake in the middle as he gives her the knife to cut .Madhu takes the knife in her hand nervously as she looks around for him ."Madhu come on murder it " ..She chuckles due to Muku's use of word ..She cuts out a piece taking it in her hand She feeds Mukund , then Bittuji & Sultan .

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