Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Madhu gets a call from one of her loan lender . She answers the call "Hello Shuklaji"

"Hello Madhuji – How are you ?"

"I am Fine Shuklaji- How are you?" Madhu asks with a small smile

"I am great –Madhuji"

"Shuklaji –I know why you gave a call –I'll settle the last two installment in a two days" Madhu says quickly She had borrowed around 5 lakhs four years ago for medical expenses when her father had got stroke – Madhu knew her father would send Rs.30000 each quarter for her to settle the debt but Roop never gave it to her . Selfish they were but it didn't stop Madhu from weakening each quarter she would somehow collect the installment amount and pay off and because of the problems that occurred since last few months she had forgotten to pay of the last two installments

"No—Madhuji –I called to inform you that you are free from liability – the last two installments were paid "

"Paid?" She asks shocked "Who paid Shuklaji?"

"Kali—yep –Kaliji settled the payments"

"Ohh—okay—Thank you Shuklaji for helping me out when I was in need " Madhu thanks and hangs up . She taps her foot impatiently wondering whether to call Kali and confront him for doing this Why is he doing this?

Madhu letting out a deep sigh dials his number which he had given Meena maa before leaving.

"The subscriber you are calling is currently unreachable" Madhu hangs up frustrated as she throws the phone on the bed and marches out of her room to clear her mind .


Kali is in a taxi just few feet away from the Kundra Mansion wondering whether his plan worked out .

"Paying her loans was a given if I want to succeed but did Madhu noticed it? Did that Old Hag call her?" he mutters under his breath keeping an eye on the Mansion waiting until Madhu walks out so he could get a chance to form an attachment towards her .

Letting out a grumble Kali gets down from the taxi "Let me pave a way to talk to my beloved daughter" His lips curves up in a wicked smile as he pays off the taxi driver and takes slow steps towards the Mansion .


Rishab bumps into Madhu who was walking lost. He holds her by her arms while steadying her on her feet .

"Watch on your steps Jerry" He chides her with concern . Madhu could only hum still her mind lost in the thoughts of her Claimed Father .

Rishab cups her face in his large palms making her look up at him "What's wrong Mon Amour ?"

Madhu shakes her head softly not wanting to disturb him each time . Rishab lets out a sigh while kissing her temple softly "Something is troubling you and you do not want to worry me –Its Okay baby –but When I am back you are going to tell me okay?"

"You are going somewhere?" Madhu asks instead

He wraps her arms around while pulling her in a hug making her sigh against his head "Yes baby—Come on wish me –I am going to meet an Producer –if everything goes correctly I would be able to Choreograph for a Bollywood Movie – and If it's a success I could have my own dance studio "

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