Chapter 17 : He is Kidnapping!

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Chapter 17 : He is Kidnapping!

"Welldone Madhu !" Mr.Balraj tells her Through the video call seeing The picture of His grandsons together in frame..Madhu gives a huge grin in return .."It's Nothing Mr.Kundra " She starts but is cut off by Balraj who waves his hands on the air dismissing her as he say "It means a lot to me Madhu ! .." ..Madhu's gives him a faint smile ."Okay Let me take my leave now ..Bittu , Madhu will be starting her college tomorrow In Kundra College Look to the requirements & Give her the cheque ! "..Madhu's jaws dropped seeing 1 Lakh written "This is high pay ! I cannot take this " Madhu tries her best to politely decline.."Madhu this is nothing compared to what you had done !! Many more to come So Kindly take this !" He insists her sighing She Looks unsure but seeing the way Mr.Kundra is Looking at her She takes it with a smile .

After Ending the Call Balraj orders to print the Selfie ..Taking the picture of his grandsons in his hand ..He opens the Drawer and takes another picture of his sons as He talks "First time My Boys Ate together!!"


Madhu Comes to The Mandir ..She adorns a veil using her duppata joining her hands She starts Praying ..Sitting in a Corner of the Mandir She takes out her phone ..Caressing her mother's picture She starts Speaking .."Maa I know you would be angry that your ladli did not share her life updates , Maa You know I am living with three different species in The Mansion " She chuckles and continues telling with a smile adorning her lips as She says "They are more like my friends maa ..with them I Feel that There is Someone to Look out for me ..That Thing in Me increased more maa when .." She smiles and taking a sigh She continues with a chuckle "They celebrated my Birthday on the Wrong Day but ..but it felt like Words are short Maa too tell what I felt..Since the day You left me ..." Her voice sounds hoarse as She tries to hold back her hot tears from pouring out ..

She caresses her Maa's picture " Since you left I never knew what a Birthday is ..At times I felt why I was even born on my birth day due to the ill-treatment and left-over food Roop aunty gave me taunting..but with Them For the First time I wanted to squeal around in happiness the way Muku surprised me with his gesture..Sultan might be a Flirt but he is good-hearted the way he changed his expressions of anger to happiness lying through his gritted teeth " She laughs wiping the lone tear which slid down Sultan had thought She could not understand that they had a real fight.."And Rishab.." She trails not Finding Words "He ..I Don't Know Maa..He confuses me time to time with his gestures & antics..I Feel like..I Don't know " She tells dragging caressing the picture ..A Small voice in her heart whispers "You have fallen for him.."...."He confuses my mind and my heart " She fakes an anger .."But he is the one who makes me smile too.." Her lips pull into a grin ..Her eyes fall on the time "Oh my Shankerji I am Late " She takes her bag hurriedly and leaves the place. Unknown to her two pairs of eyes had noticed her.

Ikraar hai baki

izhaar hai baki

woh pyar hai baki

aitbaar hai baki


"I want to meeet Madhu" Trishna Requests the Guard to let her in ..She had come to the Kundra Mansion to meet her friend ..It's been so long that atleast they had a day out but this man is not letting her in "Madam ..Madhu maam is not at home without her permission we cannot let anyone in " ..Trishna sighs this is the tenth time she has been hearing that ..and her stupid friend is not answering her calls ..She had come all way along to meet Madhu. She does not want to return without meeting her.

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