Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Madhu was back to her chirpy self when she woke up , When he had said that He preferred a tall lean woman Madhu knew how much he loved Dipali that made him open up . She had loved him knowing her love will never be reciprocated so sulking over that issue is not goanna make him fall for her right or will it? But Madhu's mind was fixed on his behaviors He behaves with her more in a romantic way how lovers would behave but he loves Dipali? Why is it so complicated ? back then She had asked him Why pull her in a quadrilateral love triangle tangling her in and now it had come true . She is tangled in a quadrilateral complicated relationship . She Loves Rishab , Rishab loves Dipali , Dipali loves Sultan and Sultan loves ? Wait does he love Dipali? Madhu wonders . Sighing she throws the duvet while putting her feet on the floor . One needs to step back from the quadrilateral or make it clear to pave way for others .


Rishab walks into the kitchen humming as he sees Madhu engrossed in her cooking . Seeing her making pancakes smiling sees her hairs tied up in a messy bun and her duppata pulled and tied to a knot near her hip he chuckles tip-toeing and standing right behind her . Rishab pushes his arm around her waist pulling her in a hug from behind .He loved how her Tiny frame fitted into his . hearing her gasp Rishab smirks rolling his lips in giggling . He would love to see her this startled lifelong when he would surprise hug her.

Madhu gasps startled knowing its him. He should really stop doing that ! She is getting too habituated to his hugs which made her fear that how would she cope up when he decides to hold Dipali's hand one day and leave her . Finding uncomfortable Madhu pushes him back turning around . Rishab knew something was off with his Rat, He felt as she felt uncomfortable in his hold but according to the past number of embraces they had Rishab knew She was more comfortable around him and ONLY him , Then What happened? Before Rishab could ask they hear footsteps approaching . Rishab moves two steps away from Madhu least everyone knew they had something going on between them.

"Madhu" It was Saanvi

Madhu who was lost in gauging what was running in his mind gets out of her daze hearing Saanvi call her at the same time she sniffs as a burning smell floats in the air .Her mouth opens as She sees her Pancakes getting burnt .

"My Pancakes!" She cries whining

Rishab chuckles slightly seeing how adorable she looked with her lower lip out pouting like a baby .

"Madhu oh no!" Saanvi says "Poor you" She tells chuckling slightly making Madhu cry.

Rishab rolls his shirt sleeves up pushing Madhu aside making her open her mouth 'O' shape as She slightly hits on his forearm "Cat!"

"Shut up! Rat" He teases taking a large bowl Rishab dumps the flour ,sugar, baking powder and nutmeg and whisks together.

Saanvi ties her arms around her chest adoring the young couple . Saanvi was excited to see a young love blooming in front of her eyes . She loved Pure love and helped many lovers marry each other , One reason She had held onto Bittu even after he had left her . She loved him enough to live her life alone fighting with her own family as She knew she would be betraying herself if she married another . Yesterday The long talk they had made Saanvi come to a conclusion . She had been surprised to know that Bittu had come looking back after two years for her only to know She moved out of the village which he had presumably 'assumed' She was Married . *Sigh* That Idiot of a Boyfriend She loved ! , Saanvi and Bittu had decided to give each other a chance , after all they did live in each other's memory for years . Saanvi leaves the kitchen letting the young love enjoy .

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